分手 Breakup [2] (Beginner to Elementary)
日期:2015-02-28 21:20  点击:451
This Learn Chinese short story is written for beginner to elementary level readers. Sentence patterns are simple. You can learn a few new words along your reading. No pressure, take your time. I assume most of my readers are adults or even older teenagers. You really don’t need to start with kids’ stories. I hope my short stories can give you some simple Chinese to read in adulthood.

[simplified Chinese and pinyin]

fēn shŏu
分 手 (2)

kěshì, tā hái ài zhe tā。


However, She was still in love with him.


tā xiǎng hèn tā。 kě yuè zhèyàng xiǎng, jiù yuè xiǎng



She wanted to hate him. Yet the more she was trying, the more she wanted to cry.


tā yòng shǒu dǎngzhù liǎn, bù ràng huǒchē shàng de

rén kànjiàn tā kū。


She used her hands to cover her face, so that people on the train won’t see her cry.



zhè shí , shǒu jī xiǎng le 。

这 时 , 手 机 响 了 。

At that time, her cell phone rang.


nà shì tā de hào mǎ 。 。 。

那 是 他 的 号 码 。 。 。

That’s his number…


tā ná qǐ shǒu jī , méi yǒu shuō huà 。

她 拿 起 手 机 , 没 有 说 话 。

She picked up the call, but didn’t say anything.


” xīn, hèn wǒ ma?” tā wèn tā.

“莘,恨我吗?” 他问她.

“Xin, do you hate me?” He asked her.


tā xiǎng shuō shìde, kě tā rěn zhù le。


She wanted to say yes, but she hold it back.


” hèn wǒ ba。。。 zhǐyào nǐ hái néng xiǎng zhe wǒ。。

。 hèn wǒ wǒ yě xìngfú。。。”


“Hate me … if only you can think about me … even if you hate me I still feel happy …”


tā de yǎnjing yòu shī le。。。


Her eyes went wet again …


” xīn, gàosu wǒ, nǐ shuō” fēnshǒu” shì rènzhēn de,

háishi qì huà?”

“莘,告诉我, 你说”分手”是认真的,还是气话?”

“Xin, tell me, when you said ‘break up’, were you serious? Or, it was just angry word?”


tā xiǎng shuō shì qì huà, kě tā huídá” wǒ shì rènzhēn

de, nǐ bù yě shì ma?”

她想说是气话,可她回答: “我是认真的,你不也是吗?”

She wanted to say it’s just angry words, but she answered:” I was serious, weren’t you?”


” wǒ?” nánrén dùn le yīxià。” wǒ shuō” fēnshǒu” shì

yīnwèi xíguàn。 nǐ zhīdào de。。。”


“Me?” The man paused for a little while. “I said ‘break up’ due to a habit. You know that …”


” xíguàn?!” nǚren hěn shēngqì。

“习惯?!” 女人很生气。

“Habit?!” The woman was getting very angry.


[simplified Chinese without pinyin]

分 手 (2)







“莘,恨我吗?” 他问她.





“莘,告诉我, 你说’分手’是认真的,还是气话?”





[traditional Chinese]

分 手 (2)







“莘,恨我嗎?” 他問她.






“莘,告訴我, 你說’分手’是認真的,還是氣話?”





[vocabulary table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
越 … 越 …    越 … 越 …    yue4    the more … the more …
挡住    擋住    dang3zhu4    to obstruct;
这时    這時    zhe4 shi2    at this time; at this moment;
手机    手機    shou3 ji1    cell phone;
响    響    xiang3    echo; to make a sound
号码    號碼    hao4 ma3    number
拿起    拿起    na2 qi3    to pick up;
说话    說話    shuo1 hua4    to talk
莘    莘    xin1    name;
恨    恨    hen4    to hate; to regret;
忍住    忍住    ren3 zhu4    to endure; to restrain oneself;
只要    只要    zhi3 yao4    if only; so long as;
幸福    幸福    xing4 fu2    happiness; happy;
眼睛    眼睛    yan3 jing5    eye
湿    濕    shi1    moist; wet;
告诉    告訴    gao4 su5    to tell; to inform; to let know;
分手    分手    fen1 shou3    to split up; to break up;
认真    認真    ren4 zhen1    serious; to take seriously;
还是    還是    hai2 shi4    still
气话    氣話    qi4 hua4    angry words;
回答    回答    hui2 da2    to reply; to answer
顿    頓    dun4    to stop; to pause;
一下    一下    yi1 xia4    (used after a verb) give it a go; a bit
因为    因為    yin1 wei4    because
习惯    習慣    xi2 guan4    habit
知道    知道    zhi1 dao5    know; be aware of;
生气    生氣    sheng1 qi4    angry; mad; offended;

to be continued …


03/15 07:10
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