分手 Breakup [3] (Beginner to Elementary)
日期:2015-02-28 21:20  点击:387
This Learn Chinese short story is written for beginner to elementary level readers. Sentence patterns are simple. You can learn a few new words along your reading. No pressure, take your time. I assume most of my readers are adults or even older teenagers. You really don’t need to start with kids’ stories. I hope my short stories can give you some simple Chinese to read in adulthood.

[simplified Chinese and pinyin]

fēn shŏu
分 手 (3)

” bùshìma? xīn, měicì nǐ shuō yàokàn diànyǐng, wǒ jiù

shuō, hǎo, kàn diànyǐng。。。

“不是吗? 莘,每次你说要看电影,我就说,好,看电影。。。

“Isn’t it? Xin, every time you say let’s go watch a movie, I’d say, OK, let’s go watch it…


nǐ shuō yào chī Chuāncài, wǒ jiù shuō, hǎo, chī



You say let’s eat SiChuan food, I’d say, OK, let’s go eat it. …”


“ jīntiān xiàwǔ nǐ shuō” fēnshǒu!”, wǒ jiù hěn shǎ de

chóngfù le yījù, ‘hǎo, fēnshǒu!’。 shuō wán wǒ jiù

míngbai wǒ wán le。”


“This afternoon you said “Break up!”, I was stupid enough to echo that, “OK, let’s break up!” The moment I said it I knew I was totally screwed.”


xīn rěnbuzhù zài diànhuà lǐ xiào chū le shēng。


Xin couldn’t help laughing in the phone.



zhèhuìr nǚren kāikǒu le” shǎguā, yòu hējiǔ le?”


This time it’s the woman’s turn to ask:” Silly, you drink again?”


” èn, fēnshǒu de jiǔ bùhǎo hē, hěn kǔ。”


“En, the “breakup” wine doesn’t taste good, too bitter.”


” nà děng wǒ kāihuì huílai péi nǐ hē。。。 wǒ míngtiān

jiù huílai le。”


“Then wait for me to drink with you after my meeting…. I’ll be back tomorrow.”


” wǒ huì zài zhàntái shàngděng nǐ。。。 xīn, wǒ ài nǐ。。。”



“I’ll be waiting for you on the platform… Xin, I love you …”


” wǒmen zàiyě bùfēn shǒu le, hǎo ma?”


“We do NOT break up again, OK?”


” tīng nǐ de, wǒmen zàiyě bùfēn shǒu。”


“Agree, we won’t break up again.”


yè, kāishǐ biànnuǎn。。。

夜, 开始变暖。。。

Night, is getting warmer …


[simplified Chinese without pinyin]


分 手 (3)

“不是吗? 莘,每次你说要看电影,我就说,好,看电影。












夜, 开始变暖。。。


[traditional Chinese]

分 手 (3)

“不是嗎? 莘,每次你說要看電影,我就說,好,看電影。












夜, 開始變暖。。。


[vocabulary table]


Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
每次    每次    mei3 ci4    every time;
电影    電影    dian4 ying3    movie; film;
吃    吃    chi1    to eat; to consume;
川菜    川菜    Chuan1 cai4    Sichuan or Szechuan cuisine;
今天    今天    jin1 tian1    today; at the present; now;
下午    下午    xia4 wu3    afternoon
傻    傻    sha3    foolish;
重复    重複    chong2 fu4    to repeat; to duplicate;
一句    一句    yi1 ju4    a line of verse; a sentence;
完    完    wan2    to finish; to be over;
明白    明白    ming2 bai5    to understand; to realize;
在    在    zai4    (located) at; (to be) in;
笑    笑    xiao4    laugh; smile;
声    聲    sheng1    sound; voice; tone; noise; classifier for sounds;
这会儿    這會兒    zhe4 hui4 er2    this time; at this moment;
开口    開口    kai1 kou3    to open one’s mouth; to start to talk;
傻瓜    傻瓜    sha3 gua1    idiot; fool;
喝酒    喝酒    he1 jiu3    to drink (alcohol);
嗯    嗯    en1    sound for “Yes”; (a groaning sound);
苦    苦    ku3    bitter
等    等    deng3    to wait for
开会    開會    kai1 hui4    to hold a meeting; to attend a meeting;
回来    回來    hui2 lai5    to return; to come back;
陪    陪    pei2    to accompany; to keep sb company;
会    會    hui4    can; will;
站台    站台    zhan4 tai2    platform (at a railway station);
开始    開始    kai1 shi3    to begin; to start;
变暖    變暖    bian4 nuan3    warming; changing to become warmer;
- The End -


03/15 07:10
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