她的故事 Her Story [2] (Intermediate)
日期:2015-02-28 21:23  点击:482
Learn Mandarin online via reading mini short story is a good way to improve your language skills. Take a small bite a day. Don’t rush yourself. As long as you persist on reading and learning, when you finish the story, you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve learned.

This story is the very first short story that I’ve written for this blog. I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you will enjoy reading it too. I’d be really happy to hear any feedback from your reading and learning experience, no matter it’s positive or negative. Any corrections on my English translation is also welcomed, I need help on my English writing as well, please help! Thanks … :-)

There are vocabulary table, pinyin and English translation to help you read and learn new words and expressions. Hope these annotations do help …

[simplified Chinese]






那一天天上下着蒙蒙的细雨, 她推着轮椅上幸福微笑着的丈夫,在领导,老师,同学们的祝福中上了火车。当车门被紧紧关上时候,她盼望的目光还停留在远处站台的入口。




[traditional Chinese]





那一天天上下著蒙蒙的細雨, 她推著輪椅上幸福微笑著的丈夫,在領導,老師,同學們的祝福中上了火車。當車門被緊緊關上時候,她盼望的目光還停留在遠處站台的入口。





tā de juédìng chàdiǎnr ràng yǎngfù yǎngmǔ yūn le guòqu。 tāmen yòngjìn gèzhǒng fāngshì quànshuō tā fàngqì zhège yòuzhì de xiǎngfǎ, kěshì dōu wúfǎ gǎibiàn tā de juédìng。

hěn kuài tā shàng le xīnwén tóutiáo。 bèi chēngwéi” yīngxióng de qīzi”, chéngwéi tóngxué men de bǎngyàng。

nà yī tiāntiān shàngxià zhe méngméng de xìyǔ, tā tuī zhe lúnyǐ shàng xìngfú wēixiào zhe de zhàngfu, zài lǐngdǎo, lǎoshī, tóngxué men de zhùfú zhōng shàng le huǒchē。 dāng chēmén bèi jǐnjǐn guānshang shíhou, tā pànwàng de mùguāng hái tíngliú zài yuǎnchù zhàntái de rùkǒu。 kěshì yǎng fùmǔ bìng méiyǒu chūxiàn。 tāmen wúfǎ jiēshòu zhège xiànshí, dǔ qì yǔ tā tuōlí le fùmǔ guānxi。 shāngxīn guòdù de yǎngmǔ cǐshí zhèng tǎng zài bìngchuáng shàng shū zhe yè.

[vocabulary table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
差点儿    差點兒    cha4 dian3 r5    almost; barely;
让    讓    rang4    to let sb do sth
晕    暈    yun1    to lose consciousness; to pass out;
用尽    用盡    yong4 jin4    to exhaust; to use up completely;
方式    方式    fang1 shi4    way; method; manner
劝说    勸說    quan4 shuo1    to persuade; persuasion; to advise;
幼稚    幼稚    you4 zhi4    young; childish; naive;
改变    改變    gai3 bian4    to change; to alter; to transform;
新闻    新聞    xin1 wen2    news;
头条    頭條    tou2 tiao2    lead story (on the news);
英雄    英雄    ying1 xiong2    hero
妻子    妻子    qi1 zi5    wife;
榜样    榜樣    bang3 yang4    example; model;
蒙蒙    蒙蒙    meng2 meng2    drizzle (of rain or snow);
细雨    細雨    xi4 yu3    fine rain; drizzle; poem by Tang poet Li Shangyin 李商隱|李商隐;
推    推    tui1    to push forward
轮椅    輪椅    lun2 yi3    wheelchair;
幸福    幸福    xing4 fu2    happiness; happy; blessed;
微笑    微笑    wei1 xiao4    smile;
丈夫    丈夫    zhang4 fu5    husband;
领导    領導    ling3 dao3    leader
祝福    祝福    zhu4 fu2    blessings; to wish sb well;
火车    火車    huo3 che1    train;
盼望    盼望    pan4 wang4    to hope for; to look forward to;
目光    目光    mu4 guang1    sight; vision;
停留    停留    ting2 liu2    to stay somewher temporarily; to stop over;
远处    遠處    yuan3 chu4    distant place;
站台    站台    zhan4 tai2    platform (at a railway station);
无法    無法    wu2 fa3    unable; incapable;
接受    接受    jie1 shou4    to accept; to receive;
现实    現實    xian4 shi2    reality
du3 qi4    to act rashly out of a feeling of injustice;
脱离    脫離    tuo1 li2    to separate oneself from; to break away from;
关系    關係    guan1 xi4    relation; relationship;
过度    過度    guo4 du4    excessive; over-;
此时    此時    ci3 shi2    now; this moment;
躺    躺    tang3    to recline; to lie down;
病床    病床    bing4 chuang2    hospital bed; sickbed;
输液    輸液    shu1    intravenous infusion; to get put on an IV;

[English translation]

Upon hearing her decision, her parents almost passed out. They tried all they could to persuade her to give up this absurd decision. However, a girl in love like her, could not listen to anything.

Soon her name was in the news headlines, she became a model for the rest of the school.

That day, it was raining lightly, pushing a smiling husband in the wheel chair, she was escorted and blessed by officials, teachers, and students to get on the train. When the door of the train shut tightly, her eyes were still searching the entrance of the platform. However, her parents didn’t show up. Devestated, her parents revoked their parental relationship with her. The broken hearted adoptive mother was lying in bed at this time with a transfusion solution.

(Special thanks to Thomas Doherty for proofreading and editing my English translation!)


03/15 07:13
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