她的故事 Her Story [3] (Intermediate)
日期:2015-02-28 21:24  点击:374
Learn Mandarin online via reading mini short story is a good way to improve your language skills. Take a small bite a day. Don’t rush yourself. As long as you persist on reading and learning, when you finish the story, you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve learned.

This story is the very first short story that I’ve written for this blog. I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you will enjoy reading it too. I’d be really happy to hear any feedback from your reading and learning experience, no matter it’s positive or negative. Any corrections on my English translation is also welcomed, I need help on my English writing as well, please help! Thanks … :-)

There are vocabulary table, pinyin and English translation to help you read and learn new words and expressions. Hope these annotations do help …

[simplified Chinese]









[traditional Chinese]










huǒchē zǒu le yī tiān yòu yī tiān, ránhòu shì qìchē, ránhòu shì hěn cháng hěn cháng de shānlù。 zuìzhōng, zài lìngwài liǎng gè tónglù de zhànshì de bāngzhù xià, píbèi bùkān de tāmen zǒngsuàn zài tiān hēi zhīqián huí le jiā- yī gè zuòluò zài shēnshān lǐ de nóngjiā xiǎo yuàn。 tā de gōnggong pópo lǎo lèi zònghéng de lái yíngjiē tāmen méile shuāngtuǐ de érzi hé chéng lǐ lái de niánqīng xífù。

cóngcǐ, wèile àiqíng, tā xīngānqíngyuàn de zuò le yī gè nóngfù。

hěn duō nián hòu, zhànzhēng zǎoyǐ jiéshù, tā hé tā de gùshi jiànjiàn zài rénmen de jìyì zhōng dànwàng。 yīcì ǒurán de jīhuì, wǒ tīng dàoliǎo guānyú tā de xiāoxi。


[vocabulary table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
然后    然後    ran2 hou4    after; then (afterwards);
汽车    汽車    qi4 che1    car; automobile; bus;
山路    山路    shan1 lu4    mountain road;
最终    最終    zui4 zhong1    final; ultimate;
同路    同路    tong2 lu4    to go the same way;
帮助    幫助    bang1 zhu4    assistance; aid; to help;
疲惫    疲憊    pi2 bei4    beaten; exhausted; tired;
不堪    不堪    bu4 kan1    cannot bear; cannot stand; utterly; extremely;
总算    總算    zong3 suan4    at long last; finally; on the whole;
之前    之前    zhi1 qian2    before; prior to;
坐落    坐落    zuo4 luo4    to be situated; to be located (of a building);
深山    深山    shen1 shan1    deep in the mountains;
农家    農傢    nong2 jia1    peasant family;
院    院    yuan4    courtyard
公公    公公    gong1 gong5    husband’s father; grandpa; eunuch;
婆婆    婆婆    po2 po5    husband’s mother; mother-in-law; grandma;
老泪纵横    老淚縱橫    zong4 heng2    face covered with tears
迎接    迎接    ying2 jie1    to meet; to welcome; to greet;
媳妇    媳婦    xi2 fu4    daughter-in-law; wife (of a younger man); young married woman; young woman;
从此    從此    cong2 ci3    from now on; since then; henceforth;
爱情    愛情    ai4 qing2    romance; love (romantic);
心甘    心甘    xin1 gan1    to be willing; to be satisfied;
情愿    情願    qing2 yuan4    willingness; would rather (agree to X than Y);
农妇    農婦    nong2 fu4    peasant woman (in former times); female farm worker;
渐渐    漸漸    jian4 jian4    gradually;
记忆    記憶    ji4 yi4    memory;
淡忘    淡忘    dan4 wang4    to be forgotten; to fade from memory;
偶然    偶然    ou3 ran2    incidentally; occasional;
机会    機會    ji1 hui4    opportunity; chance;
关于    關於    guan1 yu2    about;
(Special thanks to Thomas Doherty for proofreading and editing my English translation!)

[English translation]

The train kept going day after day, and then they transferred to bus, and then they had a long marching in the mountains, with the help from two other soldiers that were going to the same area, exhausted, they arrived home – a small court yard in the mountains. Her mother-in-law and father-in-law , with tears in eyes, welcomed their disabled son and young daughter-in-law from the city to be back home.

From that day on, for love, she turned herself into a peasants wife.

Many years later, their story was fading away from people’s memories. By accident, I heard about her again …


03/15 08:37
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