她的故事 Her Story [4] (Intermediate)
日期:2015-02-28 21:24  点击:428
Learn Mandarin online via reading mini short story is a good way to improve your language skills. Take a small bite a day. Don’t rush yourself. As long as you persist on reading and learning, when you finish the story, you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve learned.

This story is the very first short story that I’ve written for this blog. I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you will enjoy reading it too. I’d be really happy to hear any feedback from your reading and learning experience, no matter it’s positive or negative. Any corrections on my English translation is also welcomed, I need help on my English writing as well, please help! Thanks … :-)

There are vocabulary table, pinyin and English translation to help you read and learn new words and expressions. Hope these annotations do help …

[simplified Chinese]

听说她有了一个孩子,但和婆婆处得很不好。残疾的丈夫脾气变得越来越暴躁. 他们之间的交流也变得越来越少。。


每天天还没亮她就要起床重复种地,养猪,挑水,拾柴这一尘不变的生活。在艰苦的生活环境中常年照顾孩子, 残疾丈夫和年迈公婆的她身体不堪重负,落下了很多毛病。








[traditional Chinese]

聽說她有了一個孩子,但和婆婆處得很不好。殘疾的丈夫脾氣變得越來越暴躁. 他們之間的交流也變得越來越少。。


每天天還沒亮她就要起床重複種地,養豬,挑水,拾柴這一塵不變的生活。在艱苦的生活環境中常年照顧孩子, 殘疾丈夫和年邁公婆的她身體不堪重負,落下了很多毛病。









tīngshuō tā yǒule yī gè háizi, dàn hé pópo chǔ dehěn bùhǎo。 cánjí de zhàngfu píqi biànde yuèláiyuè bàozào. tāmen zhījiān de jiāoliú yě biànde yuèláiyuè shǎo。。 měitiān tiān hái méi liàng tā jiùyào qǐchuáng chóngfù zhòngdì, yǎng zhū, tiāo shuǐ, shí chái zhè yī chén bùbiàn de shēnghuó。 zài jiānkǔ de shēnghuó huánjìng zhōng chángnián zhàogu háizi, cánjí zhàngfu hé niánmài gōngpó de tā shēntǐ bùkān zhòngfù, luòxià le hěn duō máobìng。 shícháng, zài jìmò de Dàshān lǐ, gūdú de tā huì miànduì gùxiāng de fāngxiàng kuáng hǎn zhe bàba, māma, wǒ xiǎng nǐmen, kěshì huídá tā de zhǐyǒu mián cháng de huíshēng。

jīngguò hěn duōcì shībài de chángshì hòu, tā zhōngyú shèfǎ yǔ yuǎnfāng de yǎng fùmǔ qǔ déle liánxì, qǐngqiú tāmen yuánliàng nǚ’ér dāngnián de gùzhí。

yǎngmǔ liú zhe lèi gěi tā xiě le huíxìn, gàosu tā yǎngfù yǐjīng zài chēhuò zhōng guòshì, zìjǐ jíbìng chán shēn, wúfǎ dào bù tōngchē de shānqū qù kàn tā。 tāmen zǎoyǐ yuánliàng le tā, zhǐ xīwàng tā néng guòdé kāixīn。 zhè fēng xìn yòu zúzú zǒu le sān gè yuè cái sòng dào tā de shǒulǐ。 kàn dào xìn lǐ shúxī de bǐjì, tā tòngkū shī shēng。


[vocabulary table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
听说    聽說    ting1 shuo1    to hear (sth said); one hears (that);
婆婆    婆婆    po2 po5    husband’s mother; mother-in-law; grandma;
残疾    殘疾    can2 ji2    disabled; handicapped; deformity on a person or animal;
脾气    脾氣    pi2 qi4    temperament; disposition; temper;
变得    變得    bian4 de5    to become;
暴躁    暴躁    bao4 zao4    irascible; irritable; violent;
交流    交流    jiao1 liu2    communication; interaction;
亮    亮    liang4    bright; clear; resonant; to shine; to show; to reveal;
重复    重複    chong2 fu4    to repeat; to duplicate; CL:個|个[ge4];
种地    種地    zhong4 di4    to farm; to work the land;
养    養    yang3    to raise (animals); to bring up (children);
猪    豬    zhu1    hog; pig;
挑    挑    tiao1    to carry on a shoulder pole;
拾    拾    shi2    to pick up; to collate or arrange;
柴    柴    chai2    firewood
这    這    zhe4    this; these; (commonly pr. [zhei4] before a classifier, esp. in Beijing);
一尘不变    一塵不變    yi1 chen2 bu4 bian4    unvarying; without a bit of change (implicating it’s boring)
艰苦    艱苦    jian1 ku3    difficult; hard;
环境    環境    huan2 jing4    environment;
常年    常年    chang2 nian2    all year round; for years on end;
照顾    照顧    zhao4 gu5    to take care of; to look after;
残疾    殘疾    can2 ji2    disabled; handicapped;
年迈    年邁    nian2 mai4    old; aged;
公婆    公婆    gong1 po2    husband’s parents; parents-in-law;
不堪    不堪    bu4 kan1    cannot bear; cannot stand;
重负    重負    zhong4 fu4    heavy load; heavy burden (also fig. of tax);
落下    落下    luo4 xia4    to accumulate (illness)
毛病    毛病    mao2 bing4    defect; problem
时常    時常    shi2 chang2    often; frequently;
寂寞    寂寞    ji4 mo4    lonely; lonesome; quiet; silent;
孤独    孤獨    gu1 du2    lonely; solitary;
故乡    故鄉    gu4 xiang1    home; homeland;
方向    方向    fang1 xiang4    direction; orientation;
回答    回答    hui2 da2    to reply; to answer; the answer;
绵长    綿長    mian2 chang2    long lasting (sound)
回声    回聲    hui2 sheng1    echo;
失败    失敗    shi1 bai4    to be defeated; to lose; to fail (e.g. experiments);
尝试    嘗試    chang2 shi4    to try; to attempt; CL:次[ci4];
终于    終於    zhong1 yu2    at last; in the end; finally; eventually;
设法    設法    she4 fa3    to try; to make an attempt; to think of a way (to accomplish sth);
远方    遠方    yuan3 fang1    far away; a distant location;
取得    取得    qu3 de2    to acquire; to get; to obtain;
联系    聯繫    lian2 xi4    connection; contact; relation; to get in touch with;
请求    請求    qing3 qiu2    request;
原谅    原諒    yuan2 liang4    to excuse; to forgive; to pardon;
当年    當年    dang1 nian2    in those days; then; in those years; during that time;
固执    固執    gu4 zhi2    obstinate; stubborn;
祸    禍    huo4    disaster; misfortune; calamity;
过世    過世    guo4 shi4    to die; to pass away;
疾病    疾病    ji2 bing4    disease; sickness; ailment;
缠    纏    chan2    to wind around; to wrap round; to coil; tangle; to involve; to bother; to annoy;
希望    希望    xi1 wang4    to wish for; to desire; hope CL:個|个[ge4];
她    她    ta1    she;
能    能    neng2    surname Neng;
过得    過得    guo4 de2    How are you getting by?; How’s life?; contraction of 過得去|过得去, can get by; tolerably well; not too bad;
足足    足足    zu2 zu2    fully; no less than; as much as; extremely;
熟悉    熟悉    shu2 xi1    to be familiar with; to know well;
笔记    筆記    bi3 ji4    handwriting
(Special thanks to Thomas Doherty for proofreading and editing my English translation!)

[English translation]

They said that she had a child. Her mother-in-law was not getting along well with her. Her disabled husband had became more and more testy due to depression. The communications between them was getting less and less. She had to start her routine of field work, feeding pigs, carrying water and picking up wood when it was still dark in the morning. In that touch living environment, taking care of child, disabled husband, and aging in-laws, had taken tolls on her health. Quite often, in the lonely mountain, the poor lonely girl would cry out loud:”Mom — Dad — I miss you!” However, the only thing that answered her was the long echoes.

After many failed tries, she finally managed to get in tough with her parents and asked them to forgive her stubbornness many years ago.

Her Mom wrote back in tears and told her daughter that her father had died in a car accident. She herself was not in good health condition, couldn’t make it to the mountain area to visit her daughter. They already forgave her and only wished the best for her. The letter took another three months to finally reached her. Looking at the familiar handwriting from her Mom, she suddenly burst into tears.


03/15 07:10
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