她的故事 Her Story [6] (Intermediate)
日期:2015-02-28 21:25  点击:430
Learn Mandarin online via reading mini short story is a good way to improve your language skills. Take a small bite a day. Don’t rush yourself. As long as you persist on reading and learning, when you finish the story, you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve learned.

This story is the very first short story that I’ve written for this blog. I enjoyed writing it, and I hope you will enjoy reading it too. I’d be really happy to hear any feedback from your reading and learning experience, no matter it’s positive or negative. Any corrections on my English translation is also welcomed, I need help on my English writing as well, please help! Thanks … :-)

There are vocabulary table, pinyin and English translation to help you read and learn new words and expressions. Hope these annotations do help …

[simplified Chinese]








她的故事到这里就讲完了. 青春的热血可以书写历




[traditional Chinese]








她的故事到這裏就講完了. 青春的熱血可以書寫曆





tā zuìzhōng xuǎnzé le huíqu, huídào Dàshān lǐ nàxiē xūyào tā de qīnrén shēnbiān。 yǎngmǔ sòng le tā hěn yuǎn, bǎ tā kàn le yòu kàn, hǎoxiàng yào bǎ shī’érfùdé de nǚ’ér láoláo de kàn zài yǎn lǐ, zàiyě bùyuàn shīqù。

línbié shí, nǚ’ér duì yǎngmǔ shuō” mā, nǚ’ér hái huì láikàn nǐ de, xiàcì yīdìng dài zhe nǐ de xiǎo wàisūn lái。” yǎngmǔ hán zhe lèi diǎn le diǎntóu, mùsòng zhe nǚ’ér yuǎn qù。

tā de gùshi dào zhèlǐ jiù jiǎng wán le. qīngchūn de rèxuè kěyǐ shūxiě lìshǐ, yě kěyǐ niàng zhì yī bēi kǔ jiǔ。 ràng wǒmen yīqǐ zhùfú shànliáng de tā hé tā de jiā rénmen yǒngyuǎn xìngfú, píng’ān!


[vocabulary table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
最终    最終    zui4 zhong1    final; ultimate;
选择    選擇    xuan3 ze2    to select; to pick; choice
需要    需要    xu1 yao4    to need
亲人    親人    qin1 ren2    one’s close relatives;
身边    身邊    shen1 bian1    at one’s side; on hand;
送    送    song4    to see off
失而复得    失而複得    shi1 er2 fu4 de2    to have again (after losing once)
牢牢    牢牢    lao2 lao2    firmly; safely;
临别    臨別    lin2 bie2    on parting; facing separation;
外孙    外孫    wai4 sun1    daughter’s son; grandson; descendant via the female line;
目送    目送    mu4 song4    to see off (a departing guest);
青春    青春    qing1 chun1    youth; youthfulness;
热血    熱血    re4 xue4    hot blood;
书写    書寫    shu1 xie3    to write;
历史    歷史    li4 shi3    history
酿制    釀製    niang4 zhi4    to ferment; to brew; to lead to;
苦    苦    ku3    bitter; hardship; pain;
酒    酒    jiu3    wine
祝福    祝福    zhu4 fu2    blessings; to wish sb well;
善良    善良    shan4 liang2    good and honest; kind-hearted;
平安    平安    ping2 an1    safe and sound; well;
(Special thanks to Thomas Doherty for proofreading and editing my English translation!)

[English translation]

In the end she decided to go back, back to the family that needed her so much. Her Mom went a long way out with her, she couldn’t keep her eyes off her daughter, as if that’s the only way she could keep her previously lost daughter by her side, never to lose again.

At the moment that they departed, she told her Mom:”Mom, I promise I will come back to see you again. I will bring your grandson with me next time.” Her Mom nodded, then she slowly disappeared in her Mom’s teary eyes.

That’s the end of her story.

The blood of youth, it could write the history, or brewed bitter wine. Let’s bless the warm-hearted girl and her family to have a happy and peaceful life forever.


03/15 11:37
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