短信 – The Messages 1 [Elementary]
日期:2015-02-28 21:27  点击:340
In China, messaging (mostly via QQ), is one of the most dominant ways of cyber communications. In this elementary level mandarin mini story, a man is sending messages with his girlfriend back and force. They are having problems in their relationships. You’ll find out what exactly happened, what attitudes were taken on both sides, and how the conversation ended through your reading.

The whole story is devided into two posts to make it easier to scroll. Please let me know whether you can read through the whole Chinese text comfortably without frequent look-ups. If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to ask. Your question will not only help yourself, but also other learners.

Let’s start …

[Simplified Chinese]

短信 [1]




回短信,”半小时?! 为难了点儿吧?”

女朋友, “这点要求都做不到? 我问你, 昨晚我给你打完电话又打给小英,怎么她也不接电话? “


女朋友, “你认为这是巧合?”

回短信,”不是巧合是什么? 神经过敏!”

女朋友, “那如果这种巧合在一个月里发生了十次,你觉得还是巧合吗?”

回短信, “你监视我们?!”

女朋友, “我们????”

回短信, “好吧,既然你已经知道了,我们就摊牌吧。”

女朋友, “原来我没猜错,你已经和她好上了。小英哪里比我好?”

回短信, “她从来不限制我,我喝酒她不说什么,我抽烟她也不多话。”

女朋友, “那是因为她没有我关心你。”

回短信, “你关心我的方式我接受不了。”

女朋友, “那为什么不直接告诉我? 你别忘了,就在半年前,你还说过,我们会一辈子在一起。”

回短信, “当时是这样想的,但小英让我改变了想法。我发现小英更适合我。”


回短信, “是的。别恨我。”



duǎnxìn [1]
nǚpéngyou fā lái duǎnxìn,” bǎobèi, zuówǎn wèishénme bù jiē diànhuà?”

huí duǎnxìn,” wàngjì kāijī le, duìbuqǐ ā!”

nǚpéngyou,” méiguānxi, bǎobèi。 bùguò, qǐng jìzhu, yǐhòu qǐng bànge xiǎoshí chákàn yīcì shǒujī shìfǒu guānjī, néng zuòdào ma?”

huí duǎnxìn,” bànxiǎoshí?! wéinán le diǎnr ba?”

nǚpéngyou, ” zhè diǎn yāoqiú dōu zuòbùdào? wǒ wèn nǐ, zuówǎn wǒ gěi nǐ dǎ wán diànhuà yòu dǎ gěi xiǎo yīng, zěnme tā yě bù jiē diànhuà? “

huí duǎnxìn,” nǐ zhè huà wèn de, xiǎo yīng shì nǐ de hǎopéngyou, tā bù jiē nǐ de diànhuà, nǐ gāi wèn tā ā!”

nǚpéngyou, ” nǐ rènwéi zhè shì qiǎohé?”

huí duǎnxìn,” bùshì qiǎohé shì shénme? shénjīngguòmǐn!”

nǚpéngyou, ” nà rúguǒ zhèzhǒng qiǎohé zài yī gè yuè lǐ fāshēng le shí cì, nǐ juéde háishi qiǎohé ma?”

huí duǎnxìn, ” nǐ jiānshì wǒmen?!”

nǚpéngyou, ” wǒmen????”

huí duǎnxìn, ” hǎo ba, jìrán nǐ yǐjīng zhīdàole, wǒmen jiù tānpái ba。”

nǚpéngyou, ” yuánlái wǒ méi cāi cuò, nǐ yǐjīng hé tā hǎo shàng le。 xiǎo yīng nǎlǐ bǐ wǒ hǎo?”

huí duǎnxìn, ” tā cóngláibù xiànzhì wǒ, wǒ hējiǔ tā bù shuō shénme, wǒ chōuyān tā yě bù duō huà。”

nǚpéngyou, ” nàshi yīnwèi tā méiyǒu wǒ guānxīn nǐ。”

huí duǎnxìn, ” nǐ guānxīn wǒ de fāngshì wǒ jiē shòubùliǎo。”

nǚpéngyou, ” nà wèishénme bù zhíjiē gàosu wǒ? nǐ bié wàng le, jiù zài bànnián qián, nǐ hái shuō guò, wǒmen huì yībèizi zàiyīqǐ。”

huí duǎnxìn, ” dāngshí shì zhèyàng xiǎng de, dàn xiǎo yīng ràng wǒ gǎibiàn le xiǎngfǎ。 wǒ fāxiàn xiǎo yīng gèng shìhé wǒ。”

nǚpéngyou,” jiùshìshuō, nǐ duì tā shì rènzhēn de?”

huí duǎnxìn, ” shìde。 bié hèn wǒ。”


[traditional Chinese]

短信 [1]




回短信,”半小時?! 為難了點兒吧?”

女朋友, “這點要求都做不到? 我問你, 昨晚我給你打完電話又打給小英,怎麼她也不接電話? “


女朋友, “你認為這是巧合?”

回短信,”不是巧合是什麼? 神經過敏!”

女朋友, “那如果這種巧合在一個月裏發生了十次,你覺得還是巧合嗎?”

回短信, “你監視我們?!”

女朋友, “我們????”

回短信, “好吧,既然你已經知道了,我們就攤牌吧。”

女朋友, “原來我沒猜錯,你已經和她好上了。小英哪裏比我好?”

回短信, “她從來不限制我,我喝酒她不說什麼,我抽煙她也不多話。”

女朋友, “那是因為她沒有我關心你。”

回短信, “你關心我的方式我接受不了。”

女朋友, “那為什麼不直接告訴我? 你別忘了,就在半年前,你還說過,我們會一輩子在一起。”

回短信, “當時是這樣想的,但小英讓我改變了想法。我發現小英更適合我。”


回短信, “是的。別恨我。”


[English traslation]


The Messages [1]

Girlfriend sent in text message, “Honey, why didn’t you pick up my call last night?”

Messaging back, “I forgot to power on my cell phone, sorry!”

Girlfriend, “That’s OK, honey. But please remember, from now on you need to check whether your cell phone is turned on every half an hour. Could you do that?”

Messaging back, “Half an hour?! Isn’t it too frequent?”

Girlfriend, “You even can’t do that for me? Let me ask you, I called Xiao Ying after I called you, why didn’t she pick up my call either?”

Messaging back, “You call that a question?! Xiao Ying is a close friend of yours. If she didn’t pick up your call, you really should ask her!”

Girlfriend, “You think it’s a coincidence?”

Messaging back, “If it’s not coincidence, what else it could be? you’re way too sensitive!”

Girlfriend, “What if the coincidence happened ten times in a month, you still think it’s coincidence?”

Messaging back, “You watched us?!”

Girlfriend, “Us????”

Messaging back, “Fine, since you already know it, we can talk it out.”

Girlfriend, “So I guessed it right, you’ve already got hooked with her! What advantage does she have over me?”

Messaging back,”She never gave me rules, she didn’t say anything when I drank, she didn’t complaint when I smoke.”

Girlfriend, “That’s because she didn’t care about you as much as I do.”

Messaging back, “The way you care about me does not make me feel comfortable.”

Girlfriend, “Why didn’t you let me know directly? Please don’t forget, just half years ago, you said that we would be together forever.”

Messaging back, “I meant it at that time. However Xiao Ying changed my mind. I realized that Xiao Ying and me made a better couple.”

Girlfriend, “That means, you’re serious about her?”

Messaging back, “Yes. Don’t hate me.”


 To be continued …


03/15 11:42
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