Someone that can tell a both short and sad story (in Chinese) [Elementary Level]
日期:2015-02-28 21:28  点击:534
It requires talent to be able to tell stories that are not only short but also very very sad. In this post, you’ll see a short and sad story being told in Chinese that immediately made it’s audience incredibly sad.

There were multiple versions of this story on the net. I edited it into Elementary Level Chinese for you to learn. Let me know if you have any difficulty understanding it.

[simplified Chinese]







每一个人都要讲, 而且要讲一个又短又悲伤的故事。










[vocab table]

Simplified Chinese    Traditional Chinese    Mandarin Pinyin    English Definition
公寓        gong1 yu4    apartment building; apartment unit
电梯    電梯    dian4 ti1    elevator
累        lei3    tiring
悲伤    悲傷    bei1 shang1    sad; sorrowful
特别    特別    te4 bie2    especially; special
钥匙    鑰匙    yao4 shi5    key


sì gè hǎopéngyou yīqǐ zū le yītào gōngyù。

gōngyù zài dì sìshí céng。

yī tiān, sì gèrén yīqǐ chūqù wán。

huílai de shíhou fāxiàn diàntī huài le。

tāmen juédìng yīqǐ pá lóutī shàngqù。

sìshí céng lóutī pá qilai hěn lèi, tāmen juédìng yībiān jiǎng gùshi, yībiān pá。

měi yīgèrén dōu yào jiǎng, érqiě yào jiǎng yī gè yòu duǎn yòu bēishāng de gùshi。

dāng tāmen pá dào dì sān shíjiǔ céng de shíhou, qián sān gèrén dōu jiǎng wán le zìjǐ de gùshi。

yúshì tāmen duì dì sì gèrén shuō, nǐ bìxū zài zuì duǎn de shíjiān lǐ jiǎng wán yī gè tèbié bēishāng de gùshi。

dì sì gèrén xiǎng le yī xiǎng, wúnài dì shuō,” hǎo ba, nà wǒ jiǎng le, nǐmen kě bùyào tài shāngxīn o!”

lìngwài sān gèrén tīng hòu dàxiào le qilai。

tāmen bù xiāngxìn dì sì gèrén néng jiǎng chū tèbié duǎn, yòu tèbié bēishāng de gùshi。

yúshì dì sì gèrén kāishǐ jiǎngshù,

” sì gè hǎopéngyou hé zhù zài dàlóu de dì sìshí céng。 yī tiān, diàntī huài le, sì gèrén juédìng pá lóutī shànglóu, dāng tāmen pá dào dì sān shíjiǔ céng shí, fāxiàn fángmén de yàoshi wàng zài le yī lóu。 wǒ de gùshi jiǎng wán le, dàjiā qǐng bùyào tài bēishāng!”



[traditional Chinese]







每一個人都要講, 而且要講一個又短又悲傷的故事。










Four good friends rented an apartment unit together.

It was on the 40th floor of the building.

One day, they went on a trip together.

When they came back, they found out the elevator was broken.

They decided to climb up the stairs together.

It’s quite laborious to climb up the stairs, so they decided to tell stories while climbing.

Each one of them had to tell a story, a story that was both short and sad.

When they reached the 39th floor, three of them had finished their stories.

They then turned to the fourth one and told him to tell a very short and extremely sad story.

The fourth person thought for a moment and replied in a helpless tone, “OK, then, I’ll tell my story, but I’m afraid you’ll be heartbroken.”

The other three all laughed upon hearing it.

They didn’t believe he could tell an especially short and sad story.

Then the fourth person started,

“once there were four good friends that shared an apartment unit on the 40th floor. One day the elevator broke down. They decided to go up the stairs together. When they reached the 39th floor, they found out that they left their key on the first floor. That’s the end of my story. My dear buddies, please don’t be too sad!”



03/15 10:30
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