He is hungry
日期:2015-02-28 21:36  点击:659
他放学回到家里,就跑到厨房里,他打开冰箱门,他看到了面包,牛奶,热狗和豆浆。他很饿,他拿了一根热狗放在嘴里,他很快 就吃完一根热狗,然后他又拿起另一条热狗,又很快吃完了。接着,他又吃了一个面包。他现在吃饱了,不饿了。他不想喝牛奶和 豆浆,因为他不口渴。

He returned home from school, he went to the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator door, he saw the bread, milk, hot dogs and soy milk. He was hungry, he took a hot dog in his mouth, he  ete a hot dog soon, and then he picked up another one hot dog, then quickly finished. Then he ate a bread. He is  full now, not hungry. He did not  drink milk and soy Milk, because he did not thirsty.


03/14 10:08
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