Little Bear Lived in a Mountain
日期:2015-02-28 22:07  点击:679

Little bear lived in a mountain cave. Grandfather bear said to Little Bear: “Go and build a wooden house to live in!”
In spring, little bear went into the forest. The trees were full of green leaves, and he couldn’t bear to cut them down.
In summer, little bear again went into the forest. The trees were full of fresh flowers, and he couldn’t bear to cut them down.
In autumn, little bear went into the forest. The trees were full of hanging fruit, and he couldn’t bear to cut them down.
In winter, little bear went into the forest. Many little birds were living in the trees, and he couldn’t bear to cut them down.
Years passed, and little bear still hadn’t made a home out of the trees. He was still living happily in his mountain cave.
The little forest animals thanked Little Bear very much, and they gave him a bunch of beautiful fresh flowers.

Interesting Vocabulary
洞 – dòng – Cave, hole
造 – zào – make, build
挂 – guà – hang
砍 – kǎn – to chop
舍不得 – shě bù de – can’t bear to


03/15 10:30
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