My First Workplace Color
日期:2015-02-28 22:22  点击:318
As pop-psychology self-help books from Japan take aim at the Chinese market, we’re seeing more and more reads like this one, “My First Workplace Color Book”, by Zhi Kou Ling Yi (Chinese transliteration of Japanese name). This book synopsis from 青年文摘 (Youth Digest) sums up the benefits of wearing various colors to work, and what you might acheive by doing so.
Interesting Vocabulary
分析 – fēn xī – Analysis
直观 – zhí guān – Intuitive
探究 – tàn jiū – To explore, delve into
决心 – jué xīn – Determination
冷静 – lěng jìng – Cool-headed, calm
有效 – yǒu xiào – Effective
场合 – chǎng hé – Situation, occasion
得心应手 – dé xīn yìng shǒu – lit. “What the heart wishes, the hand accomplishes” – to be skilled at a job
技巧 – jì qiǎo – Technique
透露 – tòu lù – Divulge

Be careful,在不经意间,你也向别人透露了内心的想法哦!
See the original summary

This book is Japanese color queen Zhi Kou Ling Yi’s most popular introduction to workplace color, and through analysis of 12 mainstream colors, she quickly and intuitively explores man’s deepest psychological nature. During negotiations, wearing a red suit expresses your determination, wearing silver jewelry conveys your cool-headed and hard-working attitude, while white shows purity and tidiness, particularly effective when you want to appear honest…
The most important thing is that this book provides color-based strategies [lit: operational plans] to suit 28 different situations, whether you want to enjoy sweet love, or you look forward to acheiving what you want at work, as long as you master these techniques, everything will become very easy!
Be careful, if you don’t watch out, you might divulge your true intentions to others!


03/15 14:44
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