News: Twitter Chairman Says Users Now Exceed 200
日期:2015-02-28 22:24  点击:352
This very short blurb from Sina.com features an announcement by Twitter chairman Jack Dorsey that Twitter has now exceeded 200 Million users.
I find that when wading through Chinese newsspeak, knowing the word 称 chēng makes all the difference. This is the formal / newspaper version of the word 说 shuō, both words meaning “to say”.
It’s also interesting to note that the phrase “脱口秀” – Talk show – is actually transliterated into Chinese from English. In other words, instead of translating its meaning into something like, “Talking Presenter Program” or similar, they used Chinese characters that sound similar to the English phrase “talk show” – tuō kōu xiù. This literally translates into “Blurt it out performance”, which I’d like to think is a way more accurate description of what usually happens on talk shows. Transliteration FTW.
Interesting Vocabulary
董事长 – dǒng shì zhǎng – Chairman of the Board
用户 – yòng hù – User
脱口秀主持人 – tuō kǒu xiù zhǔ chí rén – Talk show host
稳定 – wěn dìng – Stable
收入 – shōu rù – Income, revenue

北京时间1月12日下午消息,Twitter董事长杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)周二表示,Twitter全球用户数量已突破2亿,并且将来有望超越Facebook。
多尔西周二在接受美国脱口秀主持人查理·罗斯(Charlie Rose)采访时称,目前有2亿人在使用Twitter,尽管与Facebook的约5亿用户还有一定差距,但相信Twitter用户数量将来完全可以超越Facebook。
See the original article

BEIJING TIME – JANUARY 12 – AFTERNOON NEWS: On Tuesday, Twitter’s Chairman of the Board Jack Dorsey announced that Twitter’s global user base now exceeds 200,000,000, and is projected to exceed Facebook in the future.
Tuesday, during an interview with American talk show host Charlie Rose, Dorsey said that right now 200,000,000 people use Twitter, and although there’s a big gap between that number and Facebook’s 500,000,000 users, he believes Twitter’s user base will eventually exceed that of Facebook.
Dorsey also stated that Twitter’s revenue is currently stable.


03/15 15:49
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