Killed in India Temple
日期:2015-02-28 22:34  点击:349
A short news item from Beijing Youth Daily talks of the tragic January 14th stampede in a temple in India.
Interesting Vocabulary
喀拉拉邦 – Kā lā lā bāng – Kerala
踩踏 – cǎi tà – Trample on
辛格 – xīn gé – Sikh name “Singh”
遇难 – yù nàn – Be killed, perish [lit: meet difficulty]


A major stampede took place the night of [January] 14th in India’s southwestern Kerala state, leaving at least 104 people dead. The trampling incident happened when a crowd participating in a Hindu festival left. Indian Prime Minister Singh is offering 100,000 rupees in compensation to the family members of each of the deceased (1 US Dollar is approximately 45 rupees), and 50,000 rupees in compensation to the injured.


03/15 18:18
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