Polite Little rabbit
日期:2015-02-28 23:06  点击:535
A children’s story meant to show kids an example of the right way to be polite to their elders.
Easy Chinese Reading Exercises: Chinese Children's StoriesThe Chinese title of this story is 懂礼貌的小兔.
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炎热 – yán rè – Blazing hot, sizzling hot
蹦蹦跳跳- bèng bèng tiào tiào – Bouncing and vivacious
采 – cǎi – Gather, collect
窄 – zhǎi – Narrow
拄 – zhǔ – to lean on
拐杖 – guǎi zhàng – Crutches, walking stick
乖 – guāi – [of a child] obedient, well-behaved
炎热的夏天来了,小鸟在树上叫着: “热呀,热呀!”
小白兔看见了,停下脚步,大声说: “山羊伯伯您先过桥吧!”说完,它就从桥上退了下来。
山羊伯伯戴着眼镜,拄着拐杖在桥上慢慢地走着。山羊伯伯一不小心差点摔到了,吓得小白兔大声地喊: “山羊伯伯,小心一点过桥!”
山羊伯伯过了桥,摸着小白兔的头夸奖道: “你真乖!”
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The blisteringly hot days of summer had come, and all of the birds in the trees were crying, “It’s hot, it’s hot!”
A beautiful little white rabbit wearing a pretty floral skirt and humming a song, bounced vivaciously onto a bridge. It wanted to cross to the other side [of the bridge] to gather mushrooms.
Just at that moment, it saw that Uncle Goat was standing on the other side of the bridge preparing to cross. The bridge was very narrow, and only one creature could cross at a time.
The little white rabbit saw this, and stopped walking, saying loudly, “Uncle Goat, you go across the bridge first!” Saying this, it retreated from the bridge.
Uncle Goat put on his glasses, leaned on his walking stick, and began to slowly cross the bridge. Uncle Goat wasn’t careful for a moment and he fell over. Frightened, Little White Rabbit loudly yelled: “Uncle Goat, be careful as you cross the bridge!”
Uncle Goat crossed the bridge and patted the little rabbit on the head in praise, saying: “You’re very well-behaved!”


03/16 00:06
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