The desert
日期:2015-02-28 23:08  点击:390
This is a very short beginner children’s joke.
Beginner Chinese Children's Jokes and StoriesThe Chinese title of this joke is “沙漠”, desert. Read the original on Tom61
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沙漠 – shā mò – Desert
宽 – kuān – Wide
秃 – tū – Bald
老师: “沙漠是一块又长又宽的地方,上面光光的,什么东西都不长。”
小学生: “老师,我明白了。我爸爸的秃头就是一片沙漠。”
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Teacher: “A desert is a long, wide place, its surface is very bright, and not a single thing grows there.”
Primary School Student: “Teacher, I understand. My father’s bald head is a strip of desert.”


03/15 18:23
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