Fragrant and Spicy Shredded Potato
日期:2015-02-28 23:12  点击:416
If you like spicy food and you like potatoes, and you’ve never had 香辣土豆丝 , you’re missing out. Now when I say “spicy” here, I don’t mean American spicy – this dish comes out of the pan crazy hot depending on the type of peppers you use, so it’s not for the faint of heart. You can, of course, tone down the heat by using less chili oil, and I’ve had it made quite bland before, but if you really want to go authentic, get your spice on.
Authentic Chinese Recipes in English - Spicy Shredded Potatoes - Advanced Reading PracticeDone correctly, the potatoes in this dish are of a texture you may not be used to – they’re just barely barely cooked all the way through, and still retain a slight bit of stiffness – not quite a crunch, but almost.
This is one of my favs, but it took a little getting used to.
If you ever needed proof that most Chinese cooking is done by eye, without much measuring, this recipe proves it – “almost”, “add to taste”, “approximately” – these words crop up frequently.
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浸泡 – jìn pào – to soak, to immerse
若干 – ruò gān – A number of, a certain amount
汤匙 – tāng chí – tablespoon
茶匙 – chā chí – teaspoon
适量 – shì liàng – an appropriate amount
即可 – jí kě – “and that will do”, or “that will be fine”.
蒜瓣 – suàn bàn – garlic clove
翻炒 – fān chǎo – stir
1. 烧热锅,倒入适量花生油,小火炒干辣椒使之出香味即可,随即放入葱花,炸锅;
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Potato strips (you have to use cold water to blanch them)
A number of dried peppers
One red pepper and one green pepper
A few chopped scallions
One tablespoon of white pepper
2 Tablespoons hot pepper oil (to taste)
3 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon of salt
A few drops of sesame oil
1. Warm up the wok on low heat [you can sub a large flat pan], and put in an appropriate amount of peanut oil, lightly fry the dry peppers until they emit a fragrant smell, then immediately put in the scallions and deep fry them;
2. Turn the heat up high, cut the red and green peppers into thin rings and put them in, and when they’ve been pan fried, put in the potato strips and after about 1 minute, put in the white pepper;
3. Saute for around 2-3 minutes, and then put in the hot pepper oil and the garlic cloves (crushed), and stir;
4.Wait until the potatoes get a bit of color and then put in the salt, add a few drops of sesame oil and stir, turn off the flame and transfer to plate.


03/15 14:39
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