Setting Off fireworks
日期:2015-02-28 23:16  点击:1144
A short first-person essay about a kid lighting firecrackers with his parents. I went back and forth on whether to classify this as “beginner” or “intermediate”. It’s easier than most of my intermediate stuff, but it’s got a tighter density of higher-level words than my beginner stuff. But it’s only a few sentences long. I finally settled on “Intermediate”, but if you’re beginner level and you’re willing to walk through it word-by-word and puzzle it out, you may be able to get it.
Chinese Beginner Intermediate Vocaublary Essay - Setting Off FireworksThis isn’t really an essay, per se. The Chinese have a different word for this type of “what I did that day” article: they call it 记事 (a record of events, like a diary) or 叙事 (a narrative). The weirdest part about this, I think, is the part wher the kid says he smokes a cigarette his dad gave him. How old is this child? The rest of the piece makes it sound like he’s about 7-10? Anyway… The Chinese title of this little story is 放花炮.
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放 – fàng – To release, to put, to place, to set off (in this case, to “set off” fireworks)
花炮 – huā pào – Firecracker, fireworks
打火机 – dǎ huǒ jī – Cigarette lighter
香烟 – xiāng yān – Cigarette
吸 – xī – To smoke something
喷出 – pēn chū – To spray out, to spurt out
五颜六色 – wǔ yán liù sè – Multicolored
火苗 – huǒ miáo – Flames
冲天炮 – chōng tiān bāo – Rocket type of firework that shoots into the air
危险 – wēi xiǎn – Dangerous
今天晚上,我和爸爸妈妈一起放花炮。 爸爸用上打火机点上一根香烟,我拿着烟,吸了几口后就开始放花炮。我点了一个,花炮喷出五颜六色的的火苗,真是太美丽了!冲天炮太危险了,我不敢放,爸爸帮我放,我只在旁边看。 不一会儿,花炮放完了,我们就高高兴兴地回家了。
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This evening, my mother father and I set off fireworks together. Father used a lighter to light a cigarette, I took the cigarette and after a few puffs we began lighting the fireworks. I light one, and the firework sprayed multicolor flames, so beautiful! Rockets are too dangerous, I don’t dare light them, so father helped me do it, and I stood beside and watched. Soon after, the fireworks were all gone, and we happily returned home.


03/15 03:20
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