Interesting Headlines: Series 2
日期:2015-02-28 23:19  点击:412
This is the second in the Interesting Headlines series, an opportunity to practice reading and scanning through news headlines.
Advanced Chinese News Articles Translated in English - Practice Reading Chinese HeadlinesThese headlines are all taken from the China Daily site.
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派 – pài – To dispatch, to send
支援 – zhī yuán – To provide assistance
挡不住 – dǎn bù zhù – Cannot prevent, cannot detain
变性者 – biàn xìng zhě – Transvestite
白马王子 – bái mǎ wáng zǐ – Prince Charming
外交部 – wài jiāo bù – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
他信 – tā xìn – Thaksin Shinawatra, former Thai prime minister, currently in exile
英拉 – yīng lā – Yingluck Shinawatra, current Thai prime minister, and Thaksin’s sister
亮相 – liàng xiàng – To be revealed, to see the light of day
专用 – zhuān yòng – Specially for…, set aside for special use
1) 担心伦敦奥运会安保人手不够 美国欲派千人支援
International: Read it on China Daily
2) 年龄挡不住一颗要当女人的心!英最老变性者期待“白马王子”
Human Interest: Read it on China Daily
3) 泰国外交部拟给他信发放护照 总理英拉强调没有干预
Politics: Read it on China Daily
4) 世界最大3D绘画亮相伦敦街头
Art: Read it on China Daily
5) 马来西亚推出50辆女性专用出租车 大受欢迎
International: Read it on China Daily
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1) London Olympics
Worried about Lack of Security, America to send 1000 People to Help
2) Age can’t get in the way of the heart that wants to become a woman! England’s oldest transvestite is awaiting her “Prince Charming”
3) Thailand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs plans to issue Thaksin a passport, Prime Minister Yingluck stated she did not intervene
4) The world’s largest 3D picture is revealed on the streets of London
5) Malaysia releases 50 special women’s taxis to popular welcome


09/28 15:27
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