A New Kind of rollercoaster
日期:2015-02-28 23:29  点击:337
This short paragraph is taken from a China Daily article about a new kind of rollercoaster that may or may not be built.
Advanced Chinese News Stories and Reading Practice PassagesI’m only translating the first paragraph here, if you want to read the rest, the complete article can be found on the China Daily site.
One of the fun words in this paragraph is 模拟舱 mó nǐ cāng, which means “simulator”, like a flight simulator. In English, “simulator” can refer to anything that simulates, so this could be a combat simulator that’s really just a video game on a flat panel, but the Chinese word here is more specific. 模拟 means “simulate”, but 舱 cāng means a kind of cabin, like an airplane cabin, that you can step into and ride in.
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失重 – shī zhòng – Weightlessness
模拟舱 – mó nǐ cāng – Simulator / simulation cabin
遥不可及 – yáo bù kě jí – Unattainable
研发 – yán fā – Research and development
过山车 – guò shān chē – Rollercoaster
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At present, if you want to experience what it feels like to be weightless, you can only become an astronaut or ride in an zero-gravity simulator, otherwise this dream is out of reach. But today, an American design company proposed a new idea, they have a plan to research and develop a rollercoaster that would allow passengers to experience weightlessness for 8 seconds. If there is sufficient capital, this new type of roller coaster would be introduced to the people of the world in late 2013.


03/15 01:27
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