Riddle: Guess the Word
日期:2015-02-28 23:31  点击:1059
And now, the final installment in our “guess the word” riddle series, and we’ve finally hit upon a true beginner-level riddle. Even readers just starting out should be able to tackle this one.
Chinese Childrens Riddles: Study Chinese Characters and Learn to Read ChinesePay particular attention to the double-meaning of the word 面 in this riddle. This riddle rhymes kinda pleasantly, so do read it out loud once you’ve sorted out all the words. The rhyme also might be useful for teaching kids.
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面 – miàn – Face, surface
脚 – jiǎo – Foot
虽 – suī – Although
只 – zhǐ – Measure word for “feet”
Hint: this is a type of household object.
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It has a face but no mouth, it has feet but no hands, though it has four feet, it can’t walk by itself.
Answer: 桌子 (A table)


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