Riddle: Guess the Word
日期:2015-02-28 23:32  点击:357
Continuing our riddle fest here is another short “guess the word” post. I think this one might be simple enough to classify as “beginner”, but the 3 unusual words push this into intermediate territory.
Modern Chinese Vocabulary Building: Chinese Childrens Riddles, Jokes and StoriesUnlike the last one, this riddle doesn’t really rhyme, but I think it’s easier to guess.
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戴 – dài – To wear
披 – pī – Drape over one’s shoulders
五彩 – wǔ cǎi – Multicolored
从来不 – cóng lái bù – Has never (done something)
唱戏 – chàng xì – Perform in an opera
吊嗓子 – diào sǎng zǐ – Voice training for opera singers
Hint: this is a type of animal.
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It wears a red hat, its body is draped in a five-color coat, and though it’s never sang an opera, it likes doing voice exercises.
Answer: 公鸡 (Rooster)


03/15 00:06
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