Riddle: Guess the Word 1
日期:2015-02-28 23:32  点击:498
Sweet! I found a bunch of Chinese riddles. Read the Chinese and try to guess the word! This is VERY short, lower-intermediate reading.
Learn to Read Chinese Online: Intermediate Chinese Character Simplified Riddles and JokesSome of the riddles I found are impossible, because not only is the riddle hard, the answer is a kind of fruit or plant or thing I’ve never heard of, so I’m skipping past all those and over the next few days I’ll post a few riddles that are answerable for those of us who didn’t grow up in the southern Yao jungles or whatever.
I think the most interesting word in this text is 青. I see this word everywher, and I’ve never been able to come up with an English equivalent. It’s not green, and it’s not blue… well, it’s not actually a color. It means “the color that nature is”. It can be used to describe a clear green pond. It can be used to talk about trees or grass. So it’s not actually a specific hue, but the word is used as if it is. Someone feel free to dive in if you can think of a good translation for this.
This particular riddle kinda rhymes in Chinese, so when you’ve sorted out the words, read it out loud.
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青 – qīng – Nature’s color – green or blue
烤 – kǎo – Roast
晒 – shài – Dry in the sun
腾 – teng – To soar
驾 – jià – To pilot a vehicle (to drive a car, sail a boat, ride a wave, etc.)
雾 – wù – Fog, mist
青枝绿叶不是菜, 有的烤来有的晒,腾云驾雾烧着吃,不能锅里煮熟卖。
Hint: this is a type of plant.
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Translation: Green branches green leaves but it’s not a vegetable, some roast it and some dry it, soaring on clouds and sailing the mist it’s consumed, it’s not sold boiled in a pot.
Answer: 烟叶 (Tobacco)


03/14 22:46
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