Chatting About TV: My So-Called
日期:2015-02-28 23:36  点击:441
Apparently, every person in the universe identifies with My So-Called Life. This quick and partial introduction to the mid-90s TV series starring Clare Danes, and is packed full of all kind of great teenage angsty vocabulary you might need if you’re desperate to describe your high school years but don’t know the word for, say, “social idiot”.
Learn to Read Chinese: Simplified Mandarin Chinese Advanced ExercisesThis piece was probably extracted from somewher else, because it doesn’t really start or end, it just kind of… is. It seems like the middle of an essay or review about My So-Called Life, so if you’ve never seen the show you might have a harder time with this than if you haven’t.
Grammatically speaking, this is noteworthy in the sense that even though every sentence starts with a question phrase, no questions are really being asked (and no question marks are used). These sentences should be read in a rhetorical way, similar to the way we’d say, “Isn’t it just the best day?”
The Chinese title of “My So-Called Life” is 《生活没有》 (I have no life).
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众星捧月- zhòng xīng pěng yuè – Core figure in a group, group around a revered leader
冷酷 – lěng kù – Callous, unfeeling
帅哥 – shuài gē – Hot guy, handsome man
出色 – chū sè – Remarkable, outstanding
社交白痴 – shè jiāo bái chī – Social idiot, not know how to interact with others socially
死党 – sǐ dǎng – Inseparable sidekick
一塌糊涂 – yī tā hú tu – Muddled and collapsing, in complete shambles
出头 – chū tóu – Get out of trouble
亲密无间 – qīn mì wú jiān – Close relation
独白 – dú bái – A monologue
在你的高中里是不是有一个像Sharon一样的众星捧月般的完美女孩,是不是有一个Jordan一样的冷酷帅哥,是不是有一个Brain一样的书呆子,学业出色,却是十足的社交白痴。是不是有一个Riche一样的死党,自己的生活一塌糊涂,还争着为你出头。曾经亲密无间的老爸老妈,是否也开始无法理解变化中的你。而你,是否会从Angela的独白中,找到15岁的自己。 在1994年到1995年间播出的电视剧《生活没有》仅仅只播出了19集,却以其诚实的风格打动了众多观众的心。
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During your high school years, wasn’t there a central figure like Sharon who was a “perfect” girl, and wasn’t there a callous hot guy like Jordan; and wasn’t there a bookworm like Brian, whose schoolwork was outstanding but who was a complete social idiot? And wasn’t there a best friend like Riche whose own life was a complete mess, but who still helped you get out of predicaments? And a close mother and father who were beginning to find it difficult to understand the changes you were going through? And you, couldn’t you see yourself at 15 years old through Angela’s monologue? From 1994 to 1995 only 19 episodes of My So-Called Life have been broadcast, but its honest style has moved the hearts of many an audience.


03/14 20:15
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