Our Family’s Jump Rope contest
日期:2015-02-28 23:48  点击:445
Chinese Title: 我们家的跳绳比赛
A single-paragraph essay about the results of a family jump rope competition.
Learn to Read Chinese: Beginner School Essays by Chinese StudentsHaven’t had a ton of extra time in the last few weeks – just went on a trip to Dalian, and still catching up from that.
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跳 – tiào – Jump
绳 – shéng – Rope
失误 – shī wù – Mistake
砰砰 – pēng pēng – Onomat. Sound of heart beating
弃权 – qì quán – To voluntarily not participate
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This morning father and I competed in jump rope, father went first, mother kept time and count, father jumped 128 times in a minute, and when I entered the playing field, father counted and mother took notes. In this round [literally: 'this time', but sounds weird in English because there are no previous times] I made no mistakes, and in one minute I jumped 145 times, my heart pounded in my chest, as if it would bounce right out. Mother abstained from participating, so I became Number 1 in our family, I was very happy.


03/14 12:27
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