China steps up campus security
日期:2015-03-04 21:09  点击:404
Step One: Words in the News
Learn some new vocabulary before you start the lesson.
  jiào yù bù mén 教育部门 Education department

 zhōng xiǎo xué 中小学 Elementary and Secondary School

 bǎo ān rén yuán 保安人员 Security staff

 jiān kòng 监控 Surveillance

 bào jǐng shè bèi 报警设备 Safety and Alarm system

 gōng ān bù mén 公安部门 Ministry of Public Security

 zhòng dà zhèng zhì rèn wù 重大政治任务 important political task

Step Two: Read and Prepare
Read the introduction and prepare to hear the audio.
The Ministry of Education has issued a circular instructing schools and education authorities across China to intensify their security measures, after a string of school attacks.

The ministry said Tuesday in a statement on its website that the notice was issued Monday after a high-level meeting on school safety, in which senior Chinese leader Zhou Yongkang said ensuring school safety was a "major political task." A work team on school safety was also set up on Monday, the statement said.

The circular orders schools to employ sufficient security personnel, equip them with necessary protective gear, and install security facilities.It also says China will seek to establish a school bus system that suits the realities of China.

Step Three:Read




Step Four: Study and Repeat
Read the text again to see how the vocabulary words are used. And then repeat these words below.
教育部门 jiào yù bù mén     中小学 zhōng xiǎo xué

保安人员 bǎo ān rén yuán    监控 jiān kòng

报警设备 bào jǐng shè bèi   公安部门 gōng ān bù mén

重大政治任务 zhòng dà zhèng zhì rèn wù

Step Five:Grammar Point
Read the introduction and prepare to watch the video.
A sentence with the preposition 把is called a 把-sentence, expressing what the doer does to something or what the result of the action is. The structure of such a sentence should be S+把+O①+V+成+O②.

Go to see Grammar Video

Step Six: Quiz
Take quiz according to this lesson.
   yín háng lǐ dōu zhuāng yǒu ( ) xì tǒng

1、银行里都装有( )系统。

 A 安全 (ān quán)  B 教育 (jiào yù)  C 公安 (gōng ān)

    xiǎo qū lǐ dōu pèi bèi le ( )

2、小区里都配备了( )。

 A 设备(shè bèi)  B 保安(bǎo ān)  C 警察(jǐng chá)

   ( ) shì zhǔ guǎn jiào yù shì yè de bù mén

3、( )是主管教育事业的部门。

 A 教育部门 (jiào yù bù mén)  B 文化部门 (wén huà bù mén)  C 卫生部门(wèi shēng bù mén)


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