Foster family是领养家庭的意思吗?
日期:2015-03-10 21:47  点击:575
New regulations on family foster care in China have taken effect, allowing each foster family to take in a maximum of two children, instead of three in the past, provided that the family does not have a child of its own aged below six.

The formal qualifications required of foster parents are also being raised. Prospective parents should have completed at least nine years of formal education and their financial status should be at least average for their region.

Foster families are already an anomaly in China, and social workers are worried that while the new regime may better protect children, it may make the rare foster families even rarer.

foster care

n. 看护,抚养,家庭寄养

take effect

vi. 生效

provided that…



You can expect to go home on time, provided that everyone sticks to what the memo says.


prospective parents

未来的父母 该说法既包含准备自己生孩子的父母,也包含自己不生、准备领养的父母

financial status

n. 财务状况


n. 异常,反常现象 anomoly可数,但用的比较多的是单数形式an anomaly(毕竟如果一抓一大把,也就算不上是“异常”了)


n. 制度,方法 该词更常用的意思:政权、政体(尤指非民主、不被认可的政府)


The Fascist regime was bound to collapse at the end of the war.


I’m trying a new fitness regime, and so far so good.



09/28 07:17
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