Travel in Chinese Lesson 25 Donghuamen Night Fair
日期:2015-03-15 20:10  点击:450

































Xiao Jie: Dad, my schoolmates say there’ s a place on Wangfujing that sells snacks, and they’ ve all been there. Why don ’ t you take me there too?

Huang: You’ re talking about the Wangfujing night market. Sure. I’ ll take you there today.

Xiao Jie: That’ s great! I have to check it out. It’ll save me being told by my friends that I know hardly any snacks.

Huang: Xiao Jie, look! That’ s the Wangfujing night market, wher there’ s a lot of people.

Xiao Jie: I can already smell the food. Dad, hurry up. Walk faster!

Huang: You’re keen.

Xiao Jie: Shaanxi jelly slices, Xinjiang lamb skewers…

Huang: Xiao Jie, there’ s so much tasty stuff here. What would you like?

Xiao Jie: My mouth is watering. I want to eat everything.

Huang: Haha! Is your stomach big enough?

Xiao Jie: Oh, dad, look! What’ s this?

Huang: It’s Jianbing Guzi--Chinese pancake.

Xiao Jie: What’s Guozi? Does it have something to do with fruit?

Huang: No, it’ s a type of pancake, made with egg, then rolled up with stuffing inside. Want to try some?

Xiao Jie: Yes.

Huang: It ’s hot. Eat it slowly.

Xiao Jie: Yum. Dad, they have porridge here. I want some bean porridge.

Huang: OK, I’ ll buy you some. Bean porridge is not just tasty, it’ s healthy, too. You should eat more of it.

Waiter: Would you like mung bean porridge or red bean porridge?

Xiao Jie: Are they different, dad?

Huang: Mung bean porridge is usually drunk in summer, because mung beans are cooling and they release toxins from the body.

Xiao Jie: What about red bean porridge?

Huang: Red beans are different to mung beans. It’ s like grapes and apples. They’ re both fruit, but grapes are cool by nature, while apples have warming properties.

Xiao Jie: Hey, aren’ t all fruit cold? How can it be warm?

Huang: You think I’ m really an expert? I don’ t know.

Xiao Jie: It’s so complicated, even a bowl of bean porridge has so much science to it. It’ s like taking medicine.

Huang: You’ re right, the Chinese are very big on “food therapy”, and “nutritional treatment”. Maybe this is part of the Chinese food culture.

Xiao Jie: I know. My aunt told me that eating food for health beats medicine, which means when you’ re sick, sometimes eating the right foods is better for you than taking medicine.

Huang: Xiao Jie, I’m surprised you even know that. I shouldn’t underestimate you!

Xiao Jie: Of course. Dad, I want to have some of that, too.

Huang: More? You’ ll get a stomachache.


1)省得 to avoid something


When you get home, give me a phone call; otherwise I'll be worried.


You should reserve a ticket in advance; otherwise you'll be anxious when the time comes.

Sign Posts

Nutritional Treatment

One very interesting thing about Chinese cooking is the link to traditional Chinese medicine and even to philosophy. For example, dishes and even ingredients can be divided into yin and yang depending on whether they have a "warming" or "cooling" effect. That doesn't just mean that hot foods are warming and cold foods are cooling. For example, we heard in today's dialogue: 葡萄是凉性的,苹果却是温性的 grapes and apples are both fruit, but grapes have a cooling effect while apples are warming. Grapes would represent yin while apples are yang. This might sound strange in English, but these are all commonly accepted concepts from Chinese medicine.

We also heard a bit about 食补 meaning "to supplement by eating". For example, if your body is short of calcium, you should eat more of foods that are high in calcium. 食疗 is the whole concept of affecting your general health through eating habits. 疗 is a treatment or therapy. 食疗 treatment through eating. For example, we all know about having home-made chicken soup when you're sick. In China, they often add ginseng or other medicinal ingredients. And this isn't only for eating when you're sick, but as a tonic or health supplement in your daily life.

Substitution and Extension

1)连……都even something, to show an exaggeration


This song is really popular; even little children like it.

2)不仅…,还… not only this, but also that


Not only is it safe to take a plane, it's also very convenient.

3)把A当(看、想、听、写)成B: to take one thing and consider it as something else


He considered his teacher to be a friend.


He thought he heard the word "机场" (airport) but really what was said was "剧场" (theatre).




03/15 04:54
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