Travel in Chinese Lesson 42 Beijing Subway
日期:2015-03-19 21:25  点击:502





























Cousin: (looks at watch)We need to hurry, or we won’t make the movie.

Xuemei: I haven’t been to a movie at the cinema for ages. Is the cinema far from here?

Cousin: Not far. (walks and notices something)Hey, Xuemei, wait, why is your bag open?

Xuemei: That’s strange, I zipped it closed. How come it’s open?

Cousin: Quick, check if you’ve lost anything.

Xuemei: (checks)Oh no, my purse is gone!

Cousin: What about your other things?

Xuemei: Let me see. Passport, notebook…all here, just the purse is gone.

Cousin: wher did you lose it?

Xuemei: Either on the bus or on the subway? How come I didn’t notice anything?

Cousin: Don’t panic, we’ll look for it. If we still can’t find it, we’ll report it to the police.

(runs into colleague)

Colleague: Hey, Xuemei, I saw you a long way back. I kept waving to you but you didn’t see me.

Xuemei: (makes introductions)This is my colleague Xiao Li;Xiao Li, this is my husband’s cousin.

Colleague: wher are you planning on going?

Xuemei: Don’t ask, I was planning to go to a movie with my cousin. But now I’ve found my purse is missing. We’re still looking for it!

Colleague: Really? When did you notice the purse was missing?

Cousin: We just noticed. As soon as we got out of the subway exit, I saw her bag was open.

Colleague: Then you lost it in the subway.

Xuemei: We can’t be sure. Maybe it was already lost on the bus.

Colleague: If you ask me, you’d better report it to the police.

Cousin: Yes, let’s go to the police station. If someone finds it, they can contact us.

Xuemei: Is the police station far from here?

Colleague: Not far. Go straight ahead and turn right. How about I go with you two?

Xuemei: Thank you!It’s all my fault for being so careless, now we’re going to miss the movie.

Cousin: Don’t be silly, we all lose things sometimes. Missing a movie’s not a big deal. Let ’s go. (the three leave together)


1)明明 something is clearly different


You obviously knew that there was something happening this afternoon. Why did you go out?


He's obviously been there before, but he said he'd never been there before.

2)好 in order that


Bring a raincoat in case it rains.


Leave me a phone number so that we can contact each other when we need to.

3)难免 hard to avoid


Even between friends, it's hard to avoid sometimes having different points of view.


You've just started learning Chinese. This kind of mistake is hard to avoid.

Sign Posts

Beijing Subway

The Beijing subway dates back to the 1960s, but it is undergoing rapid development right now. Originally, there were two subway lines. A circular line that follows under the second ring road. This was originally the location of the Beijing city wall, and many of the intersections today still retain the original place names. That’s why many of the subway stops are at places called 门 or gate, like 前门, the front gate , just south of Tian’anmen.

A second original subway line travels along an east-west route, following under Chang’an Blvd. This is the wide avenue that passes right in front of Tian’anmen Square. In fact, there are two subway exits on the east and west side of the square. Chang’an Blvd. changes names as it goes from the far eastern side of Beijing right to near the Western Hills on the other side of Beijing.

In recent years, old lines have been expanded and new lines are being built. Some of these lines go up to the Summer Palace, or around the northern suburbs of Beijing. Another line cuts straight through the city from North to South. These lines are often called 轻轨 light rail transit rather than 地铁 subway, because they travel at least part of their routes elevated above the city rather than underground.

By the time the Olympics arrive in 2008, much of this new construction will have been finished.

Substitution and Extension

1)不是…就是…if it's not this, it must be that.





03/15 15:47
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