Travel in Chinese Lesson 47 Hospital
日期:2015-03-19 21:34  点击:350



































Seeing a doctor

Cousin: Hello, we’d like to register for the clinical section. Is this the right place?

Nurse: Hi, there’s normally no need to sign in here. Is this your first time?

Cousin: Yes, the first time.

Nurse: Then you need to register. Please fill out this form.

Nurse: You want to see the clinical section?It’s on the second floor on the opposite side. This way, please.

Cousin: Thank you!

Nurse: Hello, what seems to be the problem?

Cousin: I have a persistent cough.

Nurse: Do you have a fever?If you do, then we need to take your temperature first.

Xuemei: No, there is no fever. I’ve just taken my temperature myself at home.

Nurse: Then I’ll go and see if the doctor has time now.

Cousin: There are a lot of patients today. It’s just as well there are a lot of treatment rooms, otherwise who knows how long you’d have to wait!

Nurse: Xuemei, it’s your turn.

Xuemei: It’s my turn, I’m going in.

Doctor: What’s wrong?wher do you feel unwell?

Xuemei: I have a cough.

Doctor: How many days have you had it?

Xuemei: Over a week now, and once I start coughing I can’t stop.

Doctor: Go and get an X-ray done first.

(Xuemei walks out)

Xuemei: The doctor asked me to get an X-ray.

Cousin: You have to pay first. Come on, I’ll come with you.

Xuemei: Doctor, this is the X-ray result. Please have a look.

Doctor: Don’t worry. It’s nothing serious. How’s your throat?

Xuemei: My throat feels bad, not just itchy, but painful as well.

Doctor: Open your mouth and let me have a look.

Doctor: Your throat’s red. There’s inflammation. I’ll write you a prescription for some medicine. If you still aren’t better after a few days, then you’ll need an injection.

Xuemei: I hope the medication’s enough. I’m really scared of needles.

Doctor: Are you allergic to any medication?

Xuemei: No.

Doctor: I’ll prescribe three types of medicine. This one you take three times daily, one tablet at a time. The other two are to be taken twice a day, after food.

Xuemei: Thanks.

Doctor: Don’t forget to keep warm and drink lots of water.

Xuemei: Thank you, doctor!


1)好在 fortunately


Yesterday, I lost my wallet. Fortunately, a police officer helped me find it later on.


Fortunately, it's not very far away. I'll come again tomorrow.

2)让 allow, let


She was the one who asked me to come and look for you.


The salesperson at the door won't let me in.

3)实在 really


After it rains, the roads here are really too difficult to travel.


The things here are really far too cheap.

Sign Posts

Chinese Hospitals

Hospitals in major cities in China are quite modern. Many of the larger hospitals will have special reception areas for foreign nationals wher you can receive priority treatment, but at a higher cost. There are also private hospitals that have been set up by foreign investors in cities like Beijing and Shanghai. These offer the most modern treatment, often with foreign doctors and nurses. But these clinics and hospitals are also by far the most expensive option.

Chinese hospitals are organized into departments or 科. For example, paediatrics is 儿科, gynecology is 妇科, but you will also find departments called 内科 and 外科. 外科 is basically surgery, or any treatment for injury, deformity or disease by manual or instrumental means. 内科 is the opposite, the treatment of disease by internal means, like taking medicines.

When visiting a Chinese hospital, the first thing to do is to 挂号 register. This literally means “to hang a number”. In effect, you are given a number. The first question you may be asked is 挂什么号? What kind of “number do you want to hang”, in other words, what kind of department. Rather than just going to one reception, you might have to first find the paediatric ward first, for example, if you are looking for a doctor who specializes in children’s diseases. Then you may have to decide whether you want regular treatment or do you want to see a senior specialist. If so, you need to 挂专家号.

Substitution and Extension

1)不光……,而且……not only, but also


That restaurant not only does it have a beautiful environment, but also the dishes taste very authentic.




03/15 15:17
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