Travel in Chinese Lesson 67 Terra Cotta Warriors
日期:2015-03-21 22:28  点击:494























Female colleague: Hey, Xuemei, Xiaozhang! Wait!

Xuemei: wher have you been? You suddenly disappeared.

Femaile colleague: I just came across a souvenir shop. They sell little terracotta warrior replicas. I like them and if they hadn’t charged so much, I would have bought one.

Xuemei: Really, I’d like to get one as well. My husband says the Terracotta Warriors and Horses are the eighth wonder of the world.

Male colleague: Wait until you go and see the real terracotta warriors, you won’t like these replicas anymore. The real terracotta warriors are life size and truely magnificent.

Female colleague: We just want to take one back as a souvenir. Look, how picky he is!

Male colleague: OK, I give up. But the Terracotta Warriors and Horses get so many visitors every day. We’d better go early tomorrow.

Female colleague: OK. No problem. Let’s go back to the hotel.

Xuemei: Oh, these are so many. See, I think they are even taller than me.

Female colleague: Well, they’re not just terracotta warriors but a whole army. Look, soldiers, chariots and horses.

Male colleague: They actually are an army buried with the body of the first Emperor. What you see now is only Pit One, only a part of the complete army.

Xuemei: Oh, gosh. This is only a part? How many are these all together?

Male colleague: Nobody can say that for sure. It is said the number of the unearthed terrocotta warriors is about 7 or 8 thousand. I don’t know the exact number.

Xuemei: The first emperor was really interesting. He wanted to continue being an emperor after his death.

Female colleague: So far as I know, the first emperor had many things buried with him. Besides the terracotta warriors, there are copper chariots and copper horses.

Male colleague: That’s right. The whole mausoleum is composed of dozens of pits. We’re only seeing one of them today. Moreover, many artifacts are still buried underground.

Female colleague: Hey, do you know who discovered this place?

Male colleague: Look there. As I know, a farmer discovered it when he was digging a well in the fields.

Xuemei: That’s interesting. Artifacts can be discovered like this. It seems we should be alert when we take a walk in Xi’an.

Colleagues: Why?

Xuemei: Maybe we could discover an artifact some time.

Male colleague: Come over here.


1、差点儿 almost, just short


He was running too fast and almost fell.


There was a traffic jam. He almost missed the plane.

2、较真儿 serious, precise, picky


I'm just joking. Why do you take it so seriously?

(例)他这个人说话总是很随便speaks very casually,你没必要和他这么较真儿。

He always speaks very casually. You don't have to take it so seriously.

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The Terra Cotta Warriors

The Terra Cotta Warriors are one of the most significant archeological discoveries of the 20th century.

Upon ascending the throne at the age of 13, Qin Shi Huang, later the first Emperor of all China, had work begun on his mausoleum. It took 11 years to finish. You can visit the tomb site, which just looks like a cone shaped hill in the countryside. As far as archaeologists can tell, the tomb itself has not been disturbed or pillaged. One can only imagine what incredible treasures lie below this man-made hill, as the authorities have decided to not pursue any excavations until they are absolutely sure that the technology exists to preserve whatever treasures are discovered. There are some historical records of how the tomb was prepared, but much of the true story is shrouded in mystery.

For example, nobody knew of the existence of this underground army until a peasant discovered it while digging an irrigation well in 1974. This caught the attention of archeologists immediately, who came to Xian in droves to study and to extend the digs. The State Council authorized the building of a museum on the site in 1975, which was opened to the public in 1979.

There are now three pits of different sizes containing thousands of foot soldiers, archers, officers, generals, cavalrymen, horses and chariots. Pit 1 contains thousands of soldiers in strict formation. Pit 3 with only with 68 warriors, a war chariot and four horses is thought to be the army’s central command. However, no one figure can be identified as the leader of the army. Perhaps that role was reserved for the Emperor himself, as it appears that the army was intended to provide the emperor with adequate protection in the afterlife.

Work is ongoing at this site, which is around 1.5 kilometers east of the first Emperor’s Tomb. Scientists are testing new technologies to better preserve the statues before they continue to excavate the remaining parts of the site.

UNESCO formally listed the terracotta warriors as a world heritage site in 1987. This is clearly a destination that should not be missed by any visitor to China.

Substitution and Extension

1、说不准 hard to say, be precise


Whether or not it'll rain today. I can't say for sure. You'd better wear a raincoat anyway.




03/15 05:30
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