Travel in Chinese Lesson 71 Travel to Kunming
日期:2015-03-22 21:02  点击:607







工作人员:二位好,欢迎光临. 请坐。






















Cousin: Hey, Xuemei. I’m here.

Xuemei: Sorry for keeping you waiting. I was stuck in a traffic jam.

Cousin: It’s alright. I just arrived. Xuemei, how did you hit upon the idea of coming to a travel agency with me?

Xuemei: It’s not a sudden decision. My husband is about to go to Kunming on business. And he wants me to go with him. The problem is that we’ve never been to Yunnan before and we don’t know how to plan our itinerary.

Cousin: Oh, I see. So you want to come here for some information about traveling in Yunnan and check out how other people arrange their trip.

Xuemei: Yes, my thoughts exactly. Look, I’ve got a pen with me and I’ll note down their arrangements.

Staff: Hello, welcome. Have a seat, please.

Xuemei: Thanks.

Staff: wher would you like to go? What can I do for you?

Xuemei: We want to go to Yunnan for a trip. Do you have any suggestions?

Staff: Yunnan? You’ve come to the right place. We have a brochure especially for Yunnan. Take a look.

Cousin: Er, they have many tours. Xuemei, you see, they always go to Kunming first and then on to other cities.

Staff: How long do you plan to stay? If you can afford the time, you can go on this tour, look, from Kunming to Dali, then to Xishuangbanna, to Lijiang.

Xuemei: I’m afraid we don’t have that much time.

Staff: Then you can go first to Kunming then directly to Dali or Lijiang. It takes about three or four days. The itenary is more flexible and the cost is low.

Xuemei: I’d like to know how much it costs if I take the route to Kuming then Lijiang.

Staff: about three thousand. There is a slight difference depending on whether it’s peak season or not. But generally, there’s not too much difference.

Xuemei: Can we come and register any time?

Staff: Yes, a tour group can be formed at any time.

Xuemei: Thanks. Can I take the brochures?

Staff: Of’ course. You can call us at any time if you need any help.

Cousin: Do you have any idea about arranging the trip?

Xuemei: We’re short of time. So we might go to Kuming and then Lijiang.

Cousin: Er, I think that’s fair enough.

Xuemei: It’s pity that Xiaojie has to attend some extra curricula activities and can’t go with us.

Cousin: Isn’t that good? You can make it another honeymoon.


1、特意(特地)make a special point of


This is the silk that I brought back from China specially for you.


These dishes were prepared specially for your birthday.

2、专门 specifically for


This is a store that deals specially in travel goods.


This trip to Guangzhou is specifically to come and see you.

Sign Posts

Tourism in China

China is one of the world’s premiere tourist destinations, and many millions of domestic Chinese also enjoy within China every year, specially during the major holidays and festivals. In 2001, almost 90 million tourists entered China. And the numbers have increased since then. In 2004, China became the fourth largest travel destination country.

Tourism has become a huge part of the Chinese economy. In fact, although China’s economy is booming in just about every field, tourism is growing faster than the economy overall in China.

It’s not hard to understand why, with the huge variety of sites to visit and experiences to have in visiting China. You could tour the country for a whole month and still just scratch the surface of this tremendous country.

Of course, travel agencies play a big role in the tourism industry in China. There is a wide variety of travel agencies, both large and small, that provide high-quality service to international travelers in the language of your choice. From large package tours to individual programs customized for your personal taste, the choice is endless. Some travel agencies specialize in certain types of tourism, such as business conferences, sporting events or study tours.

The services a travel agency provides usually include multi-lingual travel guides, hotel reservations, train reservations, or pre-packaged tours for study, adventure, general touring or special interest topics like traditional Chinese medicine or martial arts.#

Independent travel is also very common in China and not difficult if you know a little Chinese. But for those who prefer to have arrangements made for them, there are many travel agencies waiting to serve you.

Substitution and Extension

1、总体上 in general


The number of people who've come to Beijng to travel in this month in general are the same as last month.




03/15 01:37
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