Travel in Chinese Lesson 84 Lingering Garden
日期:2015-03-23 19:19  点击:441

留 园








雪梅:鸳鸯不是鸟的名字吗? 鸳鸯跟这个厅堂有什么关系?






























Xuemei: Yes, this is just like the pavilion I saw in America.

Colleague: Out of all of Suzhou’s gardens, this is the largest pavilion.

Xuemei: The furniture here is truly amazing.

Colleague: This furniture is all made of cedar, so this is called the Cedar Hall.

Xuemei: The two rooms are completely different; I can’t even take it all in!

Colleague: So, Xuemei, this is called the Mandarin Duck Hall.

Xuemei: ‘Mandarin duck’ refers to a bird though, right? What could a bird have to do with this pavilion?

Colleague: ‘Mandarin duck’ does refer to a bird, but in the context of the ‘Mandarin Duck Pavilion,’ it conjures the idea of ‘a pair.’ Look, Xuemei: this is the men’s side, used for receiving male guests; and this is the women’s side, which, of course, is for receiving female guests.

Xuemei: I get it.

Colleague: Xuemei, let’s go over there to buy some water.

Xuemei: Ok. Oh, by the way, I was hoping to buy something distinctively Suzhou today. Can you recommend anything?

Colleague: Suzhou has a lot of distinctive products, but the most popular would have to be Suzhou embroidery, silk, and sandalwood fans.

Xuemei: Are there any edible souvenirs?

Colleague: There are lots of things you can eat, but I recommend waiting until right before you leave to buy them.

Xuemei: Alright.

Colleague: Look, Xuemei, this is Suzhou embroidery. Do you see how both sides are the same?

Xuemei: It’s true! How amazing that they can embroider such a beautiful picture on such thin silk. I’d like to buy a few extra as gifts for friends…anyone who sees these will want one for sure!

Seller: Hello. Do you all want to buy Suzhou embroidery? These are double-sided embroidery.

Colleague: Xuemei, double-sided embroidery is a technique that is unique to Suzhou.

Xuemei: How long has Suzhou embroidery been around?

Seller: Already more than two thousand years.

Xuemei: No wonder the girls in Suzhou wear such beautiful clothes!

Colleague: Xuemei, Suzhou embroidery is not limited to clothing; in the past, there were also embroidered maps.

Xuemei: It seems like a lot of silk is purchased here, and more than a few people wear it, as well!

Seller: This is no less than the hometown of silk!

Colleague: Silk factories appeared in Suzhou during the Yuan Dynasty, so there is a seven- or eight-hundred-year history of silk here.

Xuemei: Then I definitely want to buy more as gifts for friends.

Colleague: Oh! Xuemei, the Huzhou calligraphy brushes here are also quite famous. A lot of foreigners like to buy them.

Xuemei: Not just foreigners! Right before I came, my husband made a special point to ask me to buy some of these for him.

Seller: We have Huzhou calligraphy brushes for sale here.

Xuemei: Thank you! But I think I want to buy the Suzhou embroidery first.

Colleague: Ok.


1、限于 limited to


The people who are participating in this competition are not limited to students from this school.


This movie can only be seen by people over 18。

2、特地 specially, make a special point


I made a special point of going to see you yesterday. But in the end you weren't at home.

(例)为了这件事,他特地去了一趟上海。special trip to Shanghai for this task or issue

He made a special trip to Shanghai for this issue.

Sign Posts

Special Products of Suzhou

Talking about the special products of Suzhou, most Chinese can give you a long list. The most representative of these are embroidery, fans, musical instruments, lanterns, mahogany furniture, jade carving, and silk tapestries. Suzhou’s arts & crafts, marked by exquisite craftsmanship, represent a unique style developed over a thousand years under the influence of generations of artisans.

With a history of over 2,000 years, Suzhou embroidery苏绣is considered the "pearl of oriental art" for its beautiful designs, varied stitches, superb workmanship and elegant colors. Early in the Song Dynasty, it was already described as being "delicate and close in stitch and meticulous and wonderful in color". In the Qing Dynasty, Suzhou embroidery enjoyed a period of great prosperity, as these crafts were highly sought in all parts of China.

One of the unique features of Suzhou embroidery are the tiny embroidery needles developed by generations of artisans. This has lead to a popular saying that "wonder can be made with needle points and spring born under fingers".

Substitution and Extension

谁......谁 whoever, everyone


This place is really not bad. Whoever comes here will like it.




03/14 19:51
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