Travel in Chinese Lesson 86 Longjing Tea
日期:2015-03-23 19:22  点击:586






























What do you think, ladies? This trip to West Lake has been pretty good, hasn’t it?

Its been wonderful. The lakeside scenery, especially, was truly stunning.

It’s unfortunate that our scheudule this time is so packed and we cannot spend more time in Hangzhou. For scenery this beautiful, one really ought to sit down to take it all in.

Colleague1: Who said we can’t sit down and take it all in? Come on, I’ll take you to a good place.

Colleague1: How do you like this place? Let’s go in and enjoy some tea while we look at the scenery.

Xuemei: Alright. As it happens, my husband asked me to buy some longjing tea to take home to him.

Colleague2: Then what are you waiting for? Let’s get in there!

Waitress: What do you want?

Colleague2: 3 cups of Longjing. Thanks.

Waitress: Here you go.

Colleague1: This is the best Longjing I’ve tasted.

Xuemei: The longjing of West Lake is pretty famous, right?

Colleague2: Of course! By the Ming Dynasty, Longjing had already become a top-grade tea. Adding it up, it already has several hundreds of years of history.

Colleague1: Some of China’s ancient poets even went so far as to call Longjing “sprouts of gold”! Obviously, longjing is an extremely popular tea.

Xuemei: Is longjing the name of a place?

Colleague1: That’s a complicated question. Some say it’s the name of a well; others say it’s the name of a temple, or even a village.

Colleague2: Okay, okay, don’t just stand there talking about it! Show us some good Longjing! I’m dying for a taste!

Xuemei: What makes for “good” Longjing tea?

Colleague2: I hear that it is ranked according to the time of year it’s picked. The ranks can be roughly classified as “spring tea,” “second tea,” and “third tea.” Much less tea is harvested in the spring, so it’s very precious.

Colleague1: The time of year that tea leaves are picked is, indeed, important. However, the quality of the longjing and the luster and color of the leaves, as well as the shape of the leaves, are all related. Good-quality longjing can be described as green in color, pleasant in fragrance, bitter in taste, and beautiful in shape.

Xuemei: Look guys, these tea leaves are all standing on end. So interesting!

Colleague2: It looks like the waitresses here can perform tea ceremonies – let’s call one over and have a look!


1、大致 approximately, roughly


There isn't a large difference in the room prices at these two hotels, it's roughly the same.


From here to the Imperial Palace by bus it takes about an hour.

2、可见 you can see, it's apparent


He was exhausted after only walking for 10minutes. You can tell that he doesn't get enough exercise.


He forgot what I told him almost immediately. You can tell he wasn't even paying attention.

3、赶紧 quickly


He is sick. Let's send him quickly to the hospital.


Let's reserve the tickets as soon as possible. If we're late, we won't be able to get any.

Sign Posts

Chinese Tea

It can be said that tea is the most popular beverage in the world, apart from just plain water. Even the word for "tea" in many languages around the world comes from different variations of the Chinese word 茶.

Chinese tea can be classified into 5 categories. Green tea 绿茶 is perhaps the most natural, with no fermentation or processing of the leaves. 龙井, 毛峰 and 碧螺春 are the most famous varieties. Black tea, known in China as 红茶 red tea, is fermented before being baked. This is the kind of tea most commonly consumed in the West. Wulong tea is a variety half way between green and black teas, being made after partial fermentation. It is a specialty from southeast China, particularly Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan.

Compressed tea are teas that have been, of course, compressed and hardened into a certain shape. These are often called brick tea 砖茶. We will learn a bit about this later when we visit Inner Mongolia. Finally, we have scented tea 花茶. This kind of tea is made by mixing flowers or other fragrances in with the tea. Jasmine tea is perhaps the most famous.

Tea has been one of the daily necessities in China for thousands of years, and has spread to be enjoyed by peoples around the world.

Substitution and Extension

固然.....也...... to confirm the first thing, then expand on that


Rice and flour are good, but sorghum and corn are not bad either.



03/14 20:02
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