Travel in Chinese Lesson 87 Mongolian Yurt 1
日期:2015-03-23 19:24  点击:556







人豪:嗯 ,是香。




























Xiaojie: Dad, Dad!

Renhao: Xiaojie!

Xiaojie: Aren’t they pretty? I picked them over there.

Renhao: Very pretty. Xiaojie, isn’t it fun at the grasslands?

Xiaojie: It’s great fun. It’s so big and beautiful here, and there’re so many flowers. Smell them! They’re so fragrant.

Renhao: Yes. They do smell good.

Xiaojie: Dad, let’s not go home, and just live here instead.

Renhao: Haha, but if we lived here, wouldn’t you miss your mum?

Xiaojie: We can bring mum here to live with us, and then build a big house.

Renhao: What kind of house would you like to build?

Xiaojie: Hmm, I see lots of white houses over there. We could build one like that, too.

Renhao: White houses?Oh, houses like that are called Mongolian yurts.

Xiaojie: Mongolian yurt?Is that the same character as “bao” in “baozi”?

Renhao: Haha, it is the same character, but it means something totally different. Here“bao” is the Manchurian term for “family” and “room”.

Xiaojie: I see. A Mongolian yurt is a Mongolian person’s home. In that case, does “Hohhot” mean “Mongolian city”?

Renhao: You are so sharp. But “Hot” isn’t Manchurian; it’s Mongolian, and it means “city”.

Xiaojie: Interesting!Dad, I want to see what a Mongolian yurt is like on the inside.

Renhao: I have a friend who lives in a Mongolian yurt just up ahead. Come on. I’ll take you for a look.

Xiaojie: Great!

Renhao: Look, Xiaojie, here we are.

Friend: Tasanu !Welcome!

Renhao: Tasanu!Long time no see, my good friend. Is this your daughter Wulan?

Friend: Yes.

Renhao: This is my daughter Xiaojie. This is your uncle.

Xiaojie: Hi, uncle.

Friend: Wow, you ’re already so tall!

Xiaojie: Uncle, what does Tasanu mean? How come I don’t have a clue what you said?

Renhao: Tasanu is Mongolian, and it means “hello”.

Xiaojie: I definitely want to remember a sentence as useful as that one. Tasanu! Uncle, am I saying it correctly?

Friend: That’s right. Come on, take a seat inside.

Renhao: OK! Let’s go!


1、要是 if


If we have enough time, why don't we go there by boat?


If I haven't brought an umbrella today, I would have been soaked in the rain like a chicken in the soup.

Sign Posts

Mongolian Yurt

The most picturesque feature in the vast plains of Inner Mongolia are the traditional homes known as yurts that you will find scattered across the grasslands.

The Mongolian Yurt, also called a ger, is a domed tent that has been used by Mongolian nomads for centuries. A circular wood frame at the top is supported by slim wooden poles about two meters long that extend to the top of the walls. The walls themselves are an interwoven latticework structure. The frame is covered with a thick piece of felt fastened from the outside of the yurt with ropes. The felt strip is usually white and decorated with red or blue. The product is a beautiful yurt with an adjustable opening on top which provides both light and ventilation. According to tradition, the wooden door usually faces south or southeast.

Mongolian yurts are ideally suited to the traditional nomadic lifestyle of this region, and is both beautiful and practical. The component parts of the yurt can be easily disassembled and transported as families migrate twice a year. Its domed structure prevents the accumulation of snow or water and enables the structure to withstand wind storms. The layers of felt can be adjusted according to the temperature, and the bottom of the felt can be rolled up for ventilation. ?The yurts are cool in summer and warm in winter.

One can’t mention Inner Mongolia without talking of the most famous Mongolian of all, Genghis Khan, who established the Mongol nation, conquered most of the known world, and earned the reputation as one of the great military leaders of all time. once Khan had eliminated all opposition in his native territory and effectively established the Mongol nation, he looked elsewher to expand his empire. In 1206 he invaded China and within two years breached the "Great Wall." Within several years he had conquered all of China and the Korean Peninsula. In 1219, he turned his army westward and soon conquered the regions that today include Iraq and Iran, parts of India and Pakistan, Russia and Eastern Europe. By 1226, Genghis Khan ruled an empire that stretched from Poland in the west to Korea in the east and from Vietnam in the south to Russia's Arctic Ocean shores in the north. Khan's empire, known in Chinese history as the Yuan Dynasty, lasted for more than 150 years after his death due to able leadership by his sons and grandsons.

Substitution and Extension

1、sth+倒是+sth (v or adj),concede a point, often followed by 不过/但是 to show change


This room is admittedly quite good. But the rent is too expensive.

2、一点儿都(也)not the least bit, not at all


This clothing doesn't look good on me at all.




03/14 19:54
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