Travel in Chinese Lesson 97 Yangshuo
日期:2015-04-01 19:57  点击:630




当地人:你说对了, 阳朔已经有很长时间的历史了。









人豪:怎么样?Michael, 你呢?还想回去吗?










Renhao: I think Yangshuo a bit like the ancient town of Lijiang, all the narrow streets.

Local: You said it. It’s also a historical town.

Renhao: I’ve heard that Yangshuo is such a tourism hotspot now. It’s said that “Guilin's scenery is the most beautiful in the world, and Yangshuo 's scenery is even better than that of Guilin's.”

Local: Haha, there is such a saying. But as to the scenery of Yangshuo, you two will be the judge of exactly how good the scenery in Yangshuo is.

Michael:I’ve been to Lijiang too. Hmm, it is a little like that. I remember there was a foreigner’s street there. It was great fun.

Local: What a coincidence. There’s a foreigners street here too. We just keep going straight down.

Michael:Really?Let’s check it out.

Local: Because this street is on the west side of the town of Yangshuo, so we call it West Street.

Renhao: Hmm, this is a nice place. It’s quiet, relaxing and comfortable.

Local: Yes. Many foreigners love the lifestyle here so much. They marry our locals and never go back.

Renhao: How about it Michael?Do you still want to go back?

Michael:I can’t. I’ve had a girlfriend.

Michael:Look guys, “No Restaurant”.

Renhao: No Restaurant? Isn’t this a restaurant?

Local: This restaurant is called the “No Restaurant”.

Renhao: How fascinating. What kind of a restaurant would call itself that?

Local: This is a famous restaurant in West Street. Many foreigners love coming here. Let’s go and try it.

Michael:Maybe the restaurant would really have no food.

Local: Haha, you’ll find out soon.


1、颇 fairly, quite


The scenery here is quite like the watery regions of the Yangtze River Delta


When he sings, he actually has the somewhat of the quality of a pop star.

2、明摆着 clear for all to see, right in front


It's obvious that his Chinese is really poor. But he just won't admit it.


It's not very far from here to Tian'an men. It's obvious that the taxi driver overcharged us.

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Yangshuo, located some 90 kilometers south of Guilin City, is famous as the final destination of the Li River cruises. Furthermore, the enchanting fairyland scenery of Yangshuo is renowned as the best in Guilin. In Yangshuo County alone, there are over 20,000 hills and over 250 scenic spots to explore. In fact, the most notable scenic spots of the Guilin area are in Yangshuo.

The town is very small and serves as a backpackers paradise. It’s an excellent resting point after several weeks on the road. There are other villages in the nearby area that are also worth exploring if you take some time to stay here rather than rush back to Guilin. One recommended trip is a one-hour bamboo raft trip along Yulonghe River.

Amongst the mountains and waters are old buildings and old bridges that reflect the rich cultural heritage of Yangshuo.

West Street in Yangshuo is a pedestrian mall lined with western cafes, restaurants and hotels. It’s also a great place to buy some souvenirs, like talcum, silk, wax printing, traditional fans, paintings, calligraphy and pottery.

Substitution and Extension

管......叫....... call sth sth else


Many people call the Imperial Palace "Forbidden City".




03/14 12:46
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