Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System in Sichuan Province 四川青城山和都江堰
日期:2015-04-13 20:35  点击:385
Mount Qingcheng is located 15 kilometres to the southwest of Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province in the southwest of China, and as woods are exuberant and green all the year round, hence its name, and its claim to the fame “the most secluded and tranquil city on earth”.
Mount Qingcheng is the breeding ground of China’s Taoism. All the Taoist Temples, centering around the Cavern of the Heavenly Master, include 10 temples such as the Palace of Engendering Blessings, Sublime Tranquility, Forefather, Round Brightness, the Senior Sage, Jade Clearness, and Sun Facing. The Palace of Engendering Blessings was constructed in the 18th year of the Era Opening Period (730 A.D.) of the Tang Dynasty, and the existing architectures were ones rebuilt in the Guangxu Period of the Qing Dynasty or 1888 to be more exact. It comprises three major halls, enshrining Taoist celebrities and the gods, and the columns within had on them 394 pairs of scrolls which are acclaimed as “a unique spectacle of Mount Qingcheng”. Natural Gallery is on the ridge of Hill Archway, Mount Longju or Dragon Dwelling, and is a 10-tip, multiple-eaves pavilion, built during the Guangxu Period (1875-1909) of the Qing Dynasty. As the scenery over there is extremely beautiful, tourists were as if among pictures, hence got its name ‘Natural Gallery’.
These buildings manifest fully the philosophy of Taoists pursuit of something natural, and bespeak the traditional way of construction as shown in symmetrical outlay along the axis, and in creative configuration of the buildings. Also, on the decorations of the structures are also seen the ideas of Taoism advocating auspices, longevity and ascension to the immortal. Such representations shed light on the Taoist philosophical thoughts in the ancient times of China and boasts great historical and artistic values.
Mount Qingcheng, for its amazing natural sights and numerous Taoist structures, has been a resort wher people appreciated superb scenery and sought seclusion and practice in ancient times, wher men of the letters have left precious calligraphic and literary works, which have added to the abundance of humanist views on the mountain, and which also have disseminated the philosophies and classic works of Taoism, giving expression to reverence toward the humanist forefathers of the Chinese nation as well as concern for the destiny and honour of the country and the people.
The Dujiangyan Irrigation System is a world-famous water project completed in ancient times, and is situated on the Min River in the west of the Chengdu Plain of Sichuan Province, and to the west of the now Dujiangyan City. It stands wher the Min River flows onto the Chengdu Plain. Before the weir was built, the river often brought about floods, causing great damage and loss of lives and properties. Satrap of Prefecture Shu, i.e. Li Bing, and his son, drawing on the experience of people bridling in the currents, led the locals in the executing of a project for controlling the waters in 256. Ever since the completion of the project, the Chengdu Plain has become a fertile piece of land stretching over hundreds of miles and has been referred to as “the Land of Abundance” or the “Realm of Heavenly Paradise”. The system, till these days, has been functioning well, and has been called a “living museum of water power tapping”.
The system consists of the so-called Fish-mouth, the Sand Flying Weir and the Gem Bottle Mouth. The fish-mouth is a water-dividing dyke situated in the middle of the Min River, taking the shape of a giant fish slumbering in the river, separating it into the inner and out rivers, while the inner one is for irrigation, and the outer one is for discharging the floods. The Sand Flying Weir, on the other hand, constitutes the channel for flood discharging built in the middle of the water separating dyke, and serves not only to discharge the floods when in the season, but also effectively reduces the concentration of sands around the Gem Bottle Mouth due to the swirling effect of waters overflowing the Sand Flying Weir into the outer river. The Gem Bottle Mouth, shaped like the neck of a bottle, serves to facilitate the influx of waters into the inner river. Apart from inducing the waters, it also serves to control the flow of waters.
Moreover, the Dujiangyan Irrigation System claims such resorts as the Two Kings Temple, Dragon Subduing Monastery, and Flood Pacifying Cable Bridge. The Two Kings Temple, on the slope of the right bank of the Min River, faces the Dujiangyan Irrigation System; it had been called Emperor Expecting Temple in honour of the Sovereign of the Shu Kingdom, and was renamed Virtues Revering Temple in worship of Li Bing and Son during the Force Building Period (494-498 A.D.) of Qi Dynasty. Li Bing and Son were honoured kings in turn after the Song Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.), and hence the latter name the Two Kings Temple. In the main hall within were enshrined the statues of Li Bing and Son, and were stored witticisms for tapping water, poets’ steles of poetry, and so on.
The Dragon Subduing Monastery is located within the Lidui Park. Legend has it that Li Bing, when on the project for controlling waters here, subdued evil dragons. Now three halls have remained, with the front one housing the stone statue of Li Bing made during the Eastern Han Period (25-220 A.D.). There in the front hall exist stone statues of weir constructors of the Eastern Han Period, the Golden Deity, and the legacy of Princess Yuzhen (Jade Truth) practicing Taoism at Mount Qingcheng, that is, The Flying Dragon Tripod.
The Flood Pacifying Cable Bridge, also known as the Flood Pacifying Bridge or the Couple Bridge, was built before the Song Dynasty. Situated on the afore-said Fish-mouth, it is acclaimed as “one of the top five bridges in ancient China”. It makes a spectacle most distinctive at the Dujiangyan Irrigation System. Sustained by lined up wood beams and stone, it hangs over the River by thick bamboo cables, above which still are paved wooden planks, and with bamboo cables as railings on both sides, it extends about 500 meters. Destroyed in war during late Ming Dynasty (the 17th century A.D.), it is now supported by steel cables and concrete structures.
The Dujiangyan Irrigation System marks a unique mode of tapping floods by way of harmonizing Nature and Man with its individualistic architectural and artistic innovations. It created a new water environment on the Chengdu Plain, and henceforth nurtured the fertile land for the prosperity of the Shu culture. Not only is it the only ancient water system that boasts a history of over 2,000 years on earth and still serves important functions, it is also an invaluable cultural heritage that epitomizes the essences of politics, religion and architecture.


09/24 09:25
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