Traditional Drama 传统戏剧 Qinqiang Opera 秦腔
日期:2015-04-24 19:27  点击:1150
Date: 2006
Category: Traditional Opera
Region: Shaanxi Province
Project No.IV-16
Name of Applicant (region or institution): Shaanxi Province
Qinqiang Opera is formed when the kindness urging tunes circulating in Guanzhong at the turn of Yuan and Ming dynasties intermingled with the local folk music and dialect. It is a tone opera prevalent in the northwestern areas of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and Xinjiang. At the turn of Ming and Qing dynasties, Qinqiang Opera was brought to the central plain and East China, Central China and South China from Shaanxi by merchants, causing it to become a major opera nationwide.
The traditional programs uncovered are about 3,000 in total, all adapted from historical stories, myths and folklores. The typical ones are The Spring and Autumn Record, The Invaluable Jade, Jade Tiger Pedant, Purple Cloud Palace, The Unicorn Bone Bed, Changban Slope, Selling Huashan Mountain, Coming to Tongshan Mountain, Beheading Shan Tong, The Seizure of Luoyang, Teaching the Son a Lesson, Luck in Wardrobe, The Rebellion of Yan’an, The Raid of Hongzhou, Going to the Court Thrice, and Giving up Xichuan.
Qinqiang Opera falls into joyous tone and sad tone for characterizing pleasant mood and melancholy mood respectively. During the course of performance, there are changes of clappers like slow clappers, two-six clappers, substitute clappers, starting clappers, pitch clappers and roll clappers. And there are Quiet Setting and Dynamic Setting for the musical band: the former is mainly accomplished through Banhu fiddle with the aid of flue, three-string fiddle, moon zither and trumpet while the latter basically employs beating instruments like finger clappers, plain drum, rough drum, war drum, hook gong, hand gong and Shuishui zither.
The roles of Qinqiang Opera are traditionally made up of four males, six females, two painted faces and one clown, each having a complete tone and procedure of performance. The tones of male and painted face are passionate, saddening and heroic while the tone of female is sweet, smooth and elegant. The performers are also good at postures and feat shows and the special stage presentation includes horse riding, prop pulling, firewood carrying, fire blowing, boatman show and capture and fall feat. Besides, the facial patterns are also noteworthy.
Qinqiang Opera is the spiritual wealth of people of the northwest Loess Plateau and also the typical of the three Qin cultures, which is popular among the masses. In the past, it spread to the central plain and the coastal areas, contributing to the growth of scores of local operas. Since the 1980’s, just like other operas, Qinqiang Opera has been suffering from the great impact of modern culture. The troupes can hardly survive with lack of top talents. This traditional performing art is facing extinction and is therefore awaiting practical and feasible measures for preservation.


09/24 19:15
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