Traditional Drama 传统戏剧 Reel Opera of the Han Tone 汉调桄桄
日期:2015-04-24 19:27  点击:505
Date: 2006
Category: Traditional Opera
Region: Shaanxi Province
Project No. IV-17
Name of Applicant (region or institution): Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province
The Reed Opera of the Han Tone, also called Qinqiang Opera, Qinqiang Opera of South Branch or Reed Play, is an opera of clapper tone formed after the Qinqiang Opera spread to Hanzhong area and got mingled with the dialect and local music towards the end of Ming Dynasty. It has been circulating in Hanzhong and Ankang in the south of Shaanxi and as far as North Sichuan, East Gansu and North Hubei.
The Reed Opera has a stock of programs, totaling over 700, of which 560 belong to regular opera and 170 booklet opera. In particular, about 100 are programs unique of Reed Opera including Liu Gao Sharpens the Sword, Wrought Iron Sword, Setting Sun Mountain, The Flooding of Jinyang, and The Scarlet Cloak; and programs that have disappeared in other types of opera are The Royal Pearl, The Racing Sword, The Murmuring Tower, and The Fight of Grassy Slope.
The tone of Reed Opera is actually a variation of clappers tone, showing both the passionate and excited features of Qinqiang Opera and the sweet and graceful quality of local music of South Shaanxi. For the role of female, the tone is high and passionate, with a stress on the three-hard-beat tone; for the painted face, an obstinate voice is adopted with the high 8th grade pitch while the performance is accomplished with falsetto in a prolonged voice, called old-young combination. The clapper style of the tone includes double flow, slow clappers, pitch clappers and interception, which into weak, strong, quick and slow types; the four types of tone represent sadness, joy, quick clappers and slow clappers respectively. The accompaniment of Reed Opera is divided into Quiet Setting and Dynamic Setting. The former, which originally used the major instrument of clapper two-string zither, uses Banhu fiddle, apart from Jinghu fiddle, sea flute, and three-string fiddle while the latter employs beating instruments such as pitch drum, plain drum, hook gong, cymbals, clappers, Yazi, and wood block.
The performance emphasizes over-exaggeration, featuring skills display that involves trussing, dropping lotus, chair display, stick props, hair hanging, face changing, clothes changing and fire show, apart from posture show involving sword, sticks, martial arts, and somersaults. Before the Republic of China, at a Reed Opera show, neither of the roles of male and painted face wore boots (oftentimes straw shoes in effect); the role of female was simply ready for the stage with a bit of power on face and flowers on the head. Though simple in costume and makeup, the chanting skills are exceptionally fine. The locals were used to listening to the high tone over ten li (five kilometers) at night and they preferred the distant to the adjacent, calling it “the beam crossing of swallows”.
Over the years, the Reed Opera has been losing its audience with troupes dismissed one after another; the programs, tunes and performing feat have disappeared or are about to disappear. Now there is only one troupe that manages to survive in Nanzheng County. It is also facing shortage of funds and lack of personnel and can hardly continue to exist. Practical and feasible measures should be taken in order that it could be salvaged.


09/24 19:24
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