Traditional Drama 传统戏剧 Hebei Wooden Clappers 河北梆子
日期:2015-04-24 19:28  点击:682
Date: 2006
Category: Traditional Opera
Region: Hebei Province
Project No. IV-22
Name of Applicant (region or institution): Hebei Province
Hebei Wooden Clappers is the most representative local tone opera of Hebei Province. It is also known as Peking Wooden Clappers, Zhili Wooden Clappers, Wei Wooden Clappers or Qinqiang Opera. In mid-Qing Dynasty, the Qinqiang Opera and Shanxi Wooden Clappers that had spread to Beijing mingled with dialect and folk music of Hebei and turned into what it is now during the reign of Emperor Daoguang. In its flourishing days, Hebei Wooden Clappers spread to as far as what is now Ulan Bator of Mongol in the north, Guangzhou in the south, Vladivostok of Russia in the east, and the vast areas of Xinjiang in the west. Later, its influence began to diminish. Today, it is mainly circulating in Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin and parts of Shandong and Northeast China.
Hebei Wooden Clappers has a total of over 500 traditional programs with typical ones including Lotus Lantern, The Story of Qin Xianglian, Golden Bridge, Lady Dushiniang, Butterfly Cup, The Injustice of Dou E, Dressing Down the Son, Broken Bridge, Getting on the Sedan Thrice, Returning Home with Glory, Beating Golden Twig, Girl Hero Xun Guanniang, North-south Unification, and Su Wu the Shepherd. The tone of Hebei Wooden Clappers is a variation of the clappers, falling into slow clappers, two-six, water flow, pitch clappers, wailing clappers, reverse tone and various types of prelude tones and ending tones. The main instruments for accompaniment are Banhu fiddle, flute, wooden clappers and Sheng (windpipe). During performance, wooden clappers are used to make the beat and the tone is passionate and excited to suggest from time to time a saddening tune, suitable for characterizing the sad, heroic mood. The musical instruments are used for Quiet Setting and Dynamic Setting, the former including Banhu fiddle, flute, three-string fiddle, trumpet and sea flute and the latter drum, clappers and big and small gongs. The roles include old male, young male, martial male, female, young female, old female, painted face, secondary painted face, clown, martial clown, each possessing a tone or style that is either saddening (male), passionate (female), gruff (painted face) or humorous (clown). The performance of the wooden clappers is generally characterized by a gruff, excited and passionate quality and postures of performers are over-exaggerated with exceptional feats show adopted in-between from time to time.
This unique art has exerted a great influence on Peking Opera, Comment Opera and others and is of a high value in drama culture. Since the 1930’s, Hebei Wooden Clappers has been in a sharp decline with a crisis of extinction. It only began to revive after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Then, in late-1980’s, due to the impact of modern artistic performances, its survival was threatened again with a shrinking market and drainage of brain. Now, it is badly in need of salvation and preservation.


09/24 19:23
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