Traditional Drama 传统戏剧 Shanxi Opera 晋剧
日期:2015-04-24 19:30  点击:1005
Date: 2006
Category: Traditional Opera
Region: Shanxi Province
Project No. IV-18
Name of Applicant (region or institution): Shanxi Province
Shanxi Opera is one of the four wooden clappers of Shanxi Province. Due to its origination in central Shanxi, it is also called Middle Road Wooden Clappers while outside the province, it is known as Shanxi Wooden Clappers. It is mainly popular in the middle and north of Shanxi and part of Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia and Hebei. Earlier in Qing Dynasty, Puzhou Wooden Clappers spread to the middle of Shanxi Province. Later it merged with Qitai Planting Dance and folk tunes of Central Shanxi and, after involvement of merchants of Shanxi and local men of letters, turned into what is today Shanxi Opera. Then after some further changes, it was widespread in the middle and north of Shanxi and then part of Inner Mongolia, Hebei and Shaanxi. At the turn of Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, when there were many troupes performing and a wealth of talents appeared, in particular the first generation of actresses heralded by Ding Guoxian, the art of Shanxi Opera reached a new stage of development.
The traditional programs of Shanxi Opera come in great quantity, with the regular list being over 200, including Weishui River, Beating Gold Twig, Arriving at Tong Mountain, The Belt of Heaven and Earth, Shatuo Kingdom, The Fight of Wancheng, Baishui Beach, Golden Water Bridge, Flame Steed, Palace of Heavenly King, and Double Locks Mountain. During the course of development, Shanxi Opera retains the artistic feature of vehemence and passion of Puzhou Wooden Clappers while assimilating the sentimental style of being sweet and smooth. It is also rich in tones including miscellaneous clappers, tactics of tones, and variation of tunes. And the style of clappers is changeable and hence impressive, e.g. the style of miscellaneous clappers comprising Smooth Clappers, Mixing Clappers, Erxing, Flowing Clappers, Indicating Clappers, Reverse Clappers, and Rolling Recital. The traditional band of Shanxi Opera is made of nine players, falling into Quiet Setting and Dynamic Setting: music instruments of the former are Huhu fiddle, Erxian (two string), Sanxian (three string) and Sixian (four string) wheras those of the latter Drum Clappers, cymbals, mini gong, Horse Gong, and wooden clappers. The roles of Shanxi Opera include three major ones: Xusheng (bearded middle-aged male), Zhengdan (main female) and Dahualian (painted face) and three minor ones: Xiaosheng (young male), Xiaodan (young female) and Xiaohualian (clown). The performance is vehement, gruff and masculine, inheriting the exceptional merit of wooden clappers as well as advancing the long tail and hat wings display skills.
As the typical opera of Shanxi Province, Shanxi Opera makes up an important one in the studies of local opera, music, custom and history. At present, due to impact of market economy and modern lifestyle, the number of programs being staged is dropping sharply, with fewer viewers remaining in cities while merely old folks in rural areas. The future of Shanxi Opera is really a problem to be addressed.


09/24 19:22
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