Chinese twisters 绕口令 06 盆和瓶
日期:2013-12-20 21:15  点击:744
Pan and Bottle. A pan on the table, there's a bottle in the pan, bang, bang, bang. Is it the bottle hitting the pan or the pan hitting the bottle?

盆 和 瓶 , 桌 上 有 个 盆 , 盆 里 有 个 瓶 , 砰 砰 砰 , 是 瓶 碰 盆 , 还 是 盆 碰 瓶 。

Pen2 he2 ping2, zhuo1 shang4 you3 ge4 pen2, pen2 li3 you3 ge4 ping2, peng1 peng1 peng1, shi4 ping2 peng4 pen2, hai2shi4 pen2 peng4 ping2.


11/17 23:33
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