Shandong Dagu (‘Big Drum’ Recitative) 山东大鼓
日期:2015-05-31 16:02  点击:496

Time: 2006


Category: Recitative, story-telling


Region: Shandong Province


Ref. No.: V-4


Nominating unit[s]: Shandong Province


Shandong Dagu ('Big Drum' Recitative) is the earliest one of the existing folk art forms of drum music and recitative in North China. It is said that it took form in the late Ming Dynasty, with a history of more than 350 years. It, also known as Ploughshare dagu or Pear Blossom dagu, was originally developed by folks in rural areas in northwest Shandong Province. It was initially performed in Shandong dialects, accompanied by percussion of ploughshares. Later, it gradually evolved into a narrating and singing show, featuring a complete set of vocal music with variable beats, and employing accompanying instruments like Aijiaogu (a type of drum), special lunate Lihuapian and three-stringed lyre.


Shandong Dagu was quite popular in rural areas before the end of Qing Dynasty. Famous artisans highly skilled in this art included Guo Laozhan, He Laofeng, Fan Qifeng, Li Laofeng, etc. Later, Bainiu (Wang Xiaoyu) and Heiniu performed in the urban area. The quantity of female artisans had been increased substantially. Those well-known female artisans included Shangbanjie, Xiabanjie, Gaishandong, Baicaixin, Guo Dani, etc. After the 1930s, the so-called "Four Dayu" (Sidayu), namely, Xie Dayu, Li Dayu, Zhao Dayu, and Sun Dayu were enjoying great popularity. Later, Du Dagui, Ji Suying and Lu Qiaoling became famous one after another. Shandong 'Big Drum' Recitative had reached its peak, spreading from urban and rural areas in Shandong Province to Xuzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai, Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Hankou, Chongqing, as well as Beijing, Tianjin and various places in the northeast China in the north.


It has plenty of traditional programs, including about ten medium-length arias such as Sanquan Town (or San Quan Zhen), Jinsuo Town (or Jin Suo Zhen), Great Victory in Mengzhou (or Da Po Meng Zhou), Bridal Chaperoning (or Da Song Jia), and Fan Mengting Pushing the Cart (Fan Meng Ting Tui Che). The short-length arias are extremely abundant: Roman of Three Kingdoms-themed arias rank the most, including over 60 arias such as Dongling Pass (or Dong Ling Guan), Chang Ban Po, Looking for Brother in Hebei Province (or He Bei Xun Xiong); A Dream of Red Mansions -themed arias rank the second, which includes over 10 arias such as Burying the Flower (or Dai Yu Zang Hua) and Visiting the Sick (or Bao Yu Tan Bing). Besides, arias themed with Water Margin include Taking Fish by Force (or Li Kui Duo Yu), Facing the Challenge (or Yan Qing Da Lei), etc. Moreover, there are over 200 arias prepared based on opera stories and folk legends and transplanted from Zidishu. Some new programs are formulated after the founding of the People's Republic of China.


Shandong Dagu is characterized by a long history, unique vocal music, plentiful programs and strong local features, having directly promoted the formation of Shandong Kuaishu, and having exerted significant influence on the formation and development of "Qiaopai" Henan Zhuizi and Xihe Dagu. It is of quite high historical and cultural values. Since the late period of the 20th century, it has been on a gradual decline. Currently, there are only a handful of artisans who are proficient in it. In this sense, support and protection are in urgent need.




Zuo Yuhua


09/25 11:14
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