Four Types of Tea to Relieve Oiliness in Spring 春季喝4种茶最能解腻润肠清火
日期:2015-05-31 16:20  点击:462
Which tea has the best effect of relieving oiliness, cleansing intestines and quenching excessive internal heat? We recommend four types of tea for you.
Citron Tea: Cleanse Intestines and Quench Excessive Internal Heat
Many people may suffer excessive internal heat if they spend much time in warm rooms in spring. If more fatty food has been eaten, constipation may occur. Therefore, citron tea is suggested to be drunk every day as it is of a cold nature and can cleanse intestines and quench heat. For patients with diabetes, if their diet isn't well controlled during the festivals and holidays, their blood sugar will witness a fluctuation and citron tea contains a substance similar to insulin which can help reduce blood sugar.
Barley Tea: Improve Digestion and Relieve Oily Feelings
At parties and banquets, fat foods may be eaten more or less, which is likely to lead to retention of food in the stomach. At this time, barley tea can be recommended. It contains amylase which can help produce more gastric acid and pepsase thus to improve digestion, and remove food retention in the stomach. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, barley tea is of a moderate nature, so it's suitable for most of people. But barley has the effect of delactation, so breastfeeding women shall not drink barley tea.
Chrysanthemum Tea: Remove Liver Fire and Improve Vision
Many people like buying video disks and watching disks for days in a row which they don't have time to watch at ordinary times and many people who stay at home may also watch the excellent spring festival gala on TV for hours, making their eyes in the state of fatigue for long and affecting their vision. Chrysanthemum tea can be made when you watch TV as it can remove liver fire and improve vision. The used chrysanthemum can be applied to eyes, making them more comfortable. Please note that different chrysanthemums have different functions. Hangzhou chrysanthemum is stronger in improving vision while tribute chrysanthemum is superior in removing internal heat.
Green Tea: Remove Internal Heat and Increase the Discharge of Urine
Fragrant green tea has many benefits, especially removing internal heat and increasing the discharge of urine. Patients with high blood pressure may experience blood pressure increase amid joyous atmosphere of parties. So they're kindly suggested to drink more green tea as it can reduce blood pressure to some degree.


09/25 15:27
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