Anxi Tea Making Methods 安溪泡法
日期:2015-05-31 16:26  点击:398
1. Characteristics:
Fragrance, sweetness and purity are important in Anxi tea making method. The tea drink can only be made nine times and each three times is a single phase. The purpose of the first phase is that of smelling whether the fragrance of tea is intense. The purpose of the second phase is that of tasting to see whether the tea water is mellow. The third phase is to check whether the color of tea water changes. Therefore, there is a pithy saying for this formula:
The first, second and third phases for intense fragrance.
The fourth, fifth and sixth phases for increasing sweetness.
The seventh, eighth and ninth phases for the pure taste.
2. Procedures for making tea:
Prepare the tea set: the requirement in teapots is the same as that of the Chaozhou tea making method. In Anxi tea making methods the baking of the tea is first, followed by the preparation of the fragrance smelling cups
Warm the teapot and the tea cups: the method of warming teapot is the same as that of Chaozhou tea making method, i.e. put the tea leaves into the teapot by hand. However, both the inside and outside of the cups should be warmed.
Bake the tea: the tea baking procedure is shorter in comparison with that of Chaozhou tea since high-class tea is always well preserved.
Add the tea: the quantity of tea that should be added depends on the tea’s qualities.
Water filling: pour the tea water about 15 seconds after the water is added. (during this period of time, pour the water for warming cups in the cistern).
Pour water: do not use the fair cup, directly pour the tea water into fragrance smelling cups. One third of the first batch of tea water should be poured, likewise with the second batch. Fill the cup with the third batch of tea water.
Smell the fragrance: tea tasting cups and fragrance smelling cups shall be put in front of the guests together (with the tea tasting cups on the right and the fragrance smelling cups on the left).
Shake the teapot: in the intervals between making tea, cover the teapot with cloth and shake it at full tilt three times. (Shaking the teapot balances the temperature inside and outside of the teapot. One shall not shake the teapot after it is filled with boiled water in order to increase the tea extract. Shaking of the teapot as performed in the Chaozhou tea making method is detrimental to the tea making because the tea being used has different qualities.


09/25 15:28
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