Tao Yuanming 陶渊明
日期:2015-06-05 22:06  点击:454
Tao Yuanming (around 365 - 427), courtesy named Yuanliang, with pseudonym of Wuliu, was a poet, writer and essayist in the early State of Song of the Southern Dynasty and in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was born in Chaisang, Xunyang (now Jiujiang city, Jiangxi province) of Eastern Jin Dynasty. He had some trivial official posts for several years before resigning to live as a hermit. Pastoral life was the main subject of his poetry. His works included Drinking, Returning to Nature, Peach- Blossom-Spring (a fable), as well as a Biography of Wuliu, Gui Qu Lai Xi Ci (Ah, homeward bound I go) and Poem: Peach-Blossom-Spring.
Major achievement: originator of pastoral poems
Representative works: On Returning Hom and Peach-Blossom-Spring


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