Lost Love Exhibition
日期:2015-06-13 21:10  点击:399

Students hold an exhibition themed on remnants of lost love at the Fujian University of Technology in Fuzhou city, capital of East China’s Fujian province, June 9, 2015. 


It is an exhibition of happiness(欢乐) and sorrow(痛苦), with 76 articles(展品) from past relationships(过去的恋情) on show. They include traditionally "romantic" things like candy tins(糖果盒), watches(手表), perfume(香水) and also special things such as travel tickets(车票), movie tickets(电影票), dolls(玩具), love letters(情书) and textbooks(课本).

The exhibition was initiated(由... 发起) by 6 girls in the university and articles on show werecollected(收集) from universities in the Fuzhou University City Region, attracting(吸引) numerous students to take part(参加).

重点词汇 Key Words:

失恋 shī liàn 
be jilted/be lovelorn/be disappointed in love
The word is the combination of ""(lost) and ""(love).


  • 他又失恋了。
    once again he was disappointed in love.
  • 失恋后怎么样调整自己现在的情绪?
    After be lovelorn how to adjust oneself present mood?
  • 失恋的人一天天地憔悴下去。
    Day by day the disappointed lover peaked and pined.
  • 剧烈运动可能会帮助他从失恋中解脱出来. 
    Violent exercise might help to shake him out of his disappointment in love.

吸引 xī yǐn
The word is the combination of ""(draw) and ""(lead).


  • 我年轻时被他深深吸引住了。 
    I was quite attracted by him when I was young.
  • 这部电影的开场很吸引人。 
    The film opens seductively.
  • 我们需要吸引更广泛的客户。
    We need to appeal to a wider customer base.


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