Chinggis Khan 成吉思汗
日期:2015-06-24 20:21  点击:432
成吉思汗(Chinggis Khan,1162-1227),庙号元太祖,孛儿只斤氏,名铁木真,蒙古族。世界历史上最伟大和杰出的政治家、军事家。1206年,被推举为蒙古帝国的大汗,统一蒙古各部。在位期间多次发动对外征服战争,征服地域西达西亚、中欧的黑海海滨。
Chinggis Khan (1162-1227), with the temple name Taizu of Yuan, was of the Mogolian clan Borjigin named Temujin. He was the greatest and the most outstanding statesman and strategist in world history. In 1206, he was elected as the Great Khan (leader) of the Mongolian Empire and unified all the tribes of Mongolia. During his reign, he started numerous wars of conquest, reaching over West Asia and the Black Sea in middle Europe.
Major achievement: Establishment of the Mongol Empire


09/27 15:35
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