Moved 情动 (qíng dòng)
日期:2015-08-03 21:28  点击:470

眨眼间,风卷干草帘。     In a blink of an eye, the wind rolled up the curtain of hay.
刀光影,挥舞弹指间。     Bright light reflected off the sword, brandished like a stringed instrument between the fingers.
心飘摇,朱红轻飞溅。     The heart drifts about, vermilion red lightly splashed around.
难入眠,黑夜漫漫无边。     Finding it hard to sleep, the long, dark night is endless.
不是英雄,你不在我的身边。     Not a hero, you are not by my side.
走天涯,一把剑握在手间。     Walking to the ends of the earth, clutching a sword in my hand.
漫漫路,踏破铁鞋无觅处。     The long stretch of road, wearing out the iron shoes without finding anything.
相思苦,刻骨铭心情不古。     Lovesickness is bitter, the body and heart being deeply inscribed with emotions that does not fade in time.


01/31 21:41
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