Classical Gardens of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province 江苏苏州古典园林
日期:2015-08-17 20:10  点击:1731
Suzhou in east China’s Jiangsu Province is a well-known city with rich history and culture. It has long been noted for its beautiful scenery and elegant gardens. There is a popular saying that “gardens south of the Yangtze River are the best in China, yet gardens in Suzhou are the best among the best”. Records show that there are almost 200 gardens of different sizes in Suzhou. Among them, the Surging Waves Pavilion, the Lion Grove Garden, the Humble Administrator’s Garden and the Lingering Garden respectively represent the artistic styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, known as the “Four Most famous Gardens” of Suzhou. The Master-of-the-Nets Garden also enjoys a great reputation.
Located in the south of Suzhou, the Surging Waves Pavilion is the oldest garden in the city. It was first built during the Qingli years (1041~1048) of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the early Southern Song (early 12th century), it was the resident of famous general Han Shizhong. The Surging Waves Pavilion adopts a different gardening technique from other gardens. It has a pond of blue water surrounding the Garden. Man-made mountains are the main scenery of the Garden. An earth mountain is in view from the entrance, and the Surging Waves Rock sits on it. A water pond is dug under the mountain, and a meandering compound corridor connects the mountain and the pond. The Ming Dao Hall southeast of the man-made mountain is the principal building of the Garden. Complementing it are the Five Hundred Celebrities Temple, the Looking at Mountains Tower, Jade and Exquisite Study, the Pavilion for Stopping to Enjoy Beautiful Scenery and the Imperial Stele Pavilion.
First built in the second year of Zhizheng of the Yuan Dynasty (1342AD), the Lion Grove Garden is situated in the northeast of Suzhou. It derived its name because there were a large number of lion-like stone peaks in the garden. Covering a land area of 15mu (one Chinese mu is 1/15 of a hectare), the Lion Grove Garden is in a rectangular shape. There are numerous man-made mountains and lakes and tiered buildings in the Garden. The main buildings include the Hall of Swallows’ Blessing, the Mountain-in-View Tower, the Pavilion of the Flaying Cascade, and the Questioning Plums Pavilion. The Lion Grove Garden carries a distinct theme, and features rich scenery, unique man-made mountains, caves and ravines and graceful trees and grass.
Situated outside Changmen of Suzhou, the Lingering Garden was first built in the Ming Dynasty. In the Qing Dynasty, it was called “Cold Azure Mountain Villa”, popularly known as “Liu Yuan”. Later, it was renamed “The Lingering Garden”. Covering a land area of 50mu, the Garden mainly consists of man-made mountain and lake scenery in the middle, which is considered the best part of it. The main buildings include the Cold Azure Mountain Villa, the Pellucid Tower, the Green Shade Pavilion, the Zigzag Stream Tower, and the Refreshing Breeze Pavilion. The Lingering Garden has the largest number of buildings among all the gardens of Suzhou. Its novel use of space fully embodies the extraordinary techniques and outstanding wisdom of ancient garden masters.
Located in Loumen, Suzhou, the Humble Administrator’s Garden is the largest garden in the city. Built in the Zhengde reign (1506~1521) of the Ming Dynasty, it is also considered most topical of all Suzhou gardens. Covering a land area of 62Mu, the existing garden was primarily formed in the later Qing Dynasty (early 20th century). The Humble Administrator’s Garden centers on a water theme, with one fifth of it being pond space. Various pavilions and terraces are built along water. The main buildings include the Hall of Distant Fragrance, the Pavilion of the Snow Fragrance and Colorful Clouds, the Pavilion of Waiting for Frost, the Stay and Listen Pavilion, the 18 Camellias Hall the 36 Pairs of Mandarin Duck's Hall. The Humble Administrator’s Garden features a tiered architectural layout, novel design, fresh and elegant style, primitive simplicity and naturalness.
The Master-of-the-Nets Garden is located in the southeast of Suzhou City. First built in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127~1279AD), it was then known as “Yu Yin”. It was rebuilt during the Qianlong years of the Qing Dynasty (1736~1796AD) and renamed “The Master-of-the-Nets Garden”, which took the original meaning of its old name “Yu Yin”. Covering half hectare, the Master-of-the-Nets Garden is the smallest of all Suzhou gardens. The main buildings include the Osmanthus Fragrance Pavilion, the Tassel-washing Waterside Pavilions, the Watching Pines & Appreciating Paintings and the Late Spring Study. All pavilions in the Master-of-the-Nets Garden are built along water, and all buildings fit each other well. With compact layout and great novelty, the Garden carries a typical style of the Ming Dynasty.
Suzhou gardens well leverage unique gardening techniques to blend lake and mountain scenery with pavilions and porches in a limited space, and integrate vibrant natural beauty with creative artistic beauty, allowing urban dwellers to appreciate the natural beauty of mountains and forests without traveling afar. In addition, Suzhou gardens embody rich cultural traditions. All their gardening techniques, architectural features and poems and paintings left by men of letters well reflect the essence and inner meaning of traditional Chinese culture.


09/24 14:21
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