Extensive Reading Lesson 61
日期:2014-01-02 21:33  点击:343




据《北京晨报》报道,自2011年1月1日起,国内网吧、长途大巴播放电影必须向中国 电影著作权协会缴纳一定的版权费用。网吧使用电影作品每天需要缴纳的费用为:电脑总量×网吧每小时收费标准×7.5%。凡播映电影作品的长途汽车,每辆车 每年须缴纳著作权使用费365至500元。报道称,北京、上海、江苏等八个省市将成为首批试行区域。


据中国广播网报道,11日,四川都江堰一名工头因为农民工索要生活费而被砍死,五名犯 罪嫌疑人现已全部抓获归案。目击者称,案发后,二十多名警察前来与农民工“争抢”尸体。之后,三百余农民工聚集起来围堵出警民警,并阻断了二环路交通。据 悉,聚集群众已于周二散去。都江堰警方昨天回应称,公安机关拖尸体的目的是保全证据,是合法的执法行为。




据青岛《城市信报》报道,青岛的年轻女性现在越来越热衷于拍裸体写真照。目前,主要的客户群是30岁左右的女性,而不是公众原先认为的90后;大多数女性拍摄写真是想记录下自己最美丽的年华 。拍摄裸体写真的价格特别高,有的会超过2万元(约3,005.5美元)。



Blog fans decide exam scores

Students from the Department of New Media at Jinling College in Nanjing have been given an assignment of opening a mini-blog and their final scores will be judged by the number of blog fans, the Yangtze Evening Post reported. 500 fans mean a Pass grade; 2,000 mean Good; and 3,000 is rated as Excellent. However, the number of fans is only one of several criteria. Results also depend on the blog's quality, influence, forward rates and the number of comments.

Film Society to collect royalties

All Internet cafes and long-distance bus operators will have to pay royalties to the Film Copyright Society of China for showing a film beginning on Jan.1, 2011, the Beijing Morning Post reports. Internet cafes are charged 7.5 percent of their hourly rates times their number of computers, per day. Bus companies will pay an annual fee of 365 yuan to 500 yuan (US$54.9-US$75.2) per bus. Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu are three of eight pilot regions.

Suspects in deadly wage dispute arrested

Five men accused of stabbing to death on Monday a foreman who was claiming living expenses for migrant workers in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, have been arrested, Chinese Radio Network reports. Following the man's death, witnesses say that more than 20 policemen went to collect the body at the hospital but were met by some 300 migrant workers, who did not want them to take it. The protestors were eventually dispersed Tuesday after blocking the city's Erhuan Road. Police said yesterday that collecting the body was a legal law enforcement action to protect evidence.

Prostitute in old folks' home

A prostitute was caught selling sex to a 65-year-old man called Wang in an old folks' home in Huainan City, Anhui Province in September, northeast.com.cn reported. The 38-year-old woman, called Zhu, was charging 20 yuan a time. The old folks' home provides free accommodation to more than 40 old men. Their only other recreation is playing mahjong.

HK halts investment immigration

Hong Kong will no longer allow foreigners to obtain citizenship through city investment, China Securities Journal reports. A former regulation granted citizenship to non-residents who invested at least HK$6.5 million in the city. The threshold has now been raised to HK$10 million, and foreign investors will no longer receive citizenship for their investments.

Naked glamour shots popular in Qingdao

More women in Qingdao, Shandong Province, are taking nude glamour shots, the City Sun reports. The main customers who request naked artistic photo shots are in their thirties, not in their late teens or early twenties as previously thought. Most of them wish to capture their most beautiful years. Nude glamour shots can be pricey, with some packages costing more than 20,000 yuan (US$3,005.5).

Blind masseur certificate required

The first national qualification test of medical massage for the blind will be held this weekend, Xinhua reported. An estimated of 2,790 blind and visually-impaired people across China are to take the test. Those who pass the test will be presented a qualification certificate and can apply for a massage job in health agencies, or to open their own clinics.


03/04 23:11
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